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  L# Nanochromis suddenly expired
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SubscribeNanochromis suddenly expired
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
Hi All,
I have been trying to breed a group of Nanochromis
5 Days ago, I added new peat to the filter, checked
the tank levels, as follows:
Ph : 6.5
Ammonia: 0
NitrItes: 0
NitrAtes: Around 20ppm.
Tank is 25 gallons tall, with a large seascape
decoration in the center, some driftwood, and tons
of java fern.

Occupants were:
4 Nanochromis Transvestitus 1 male 3 female
1 cardinal tetra
5 neons
2 glowlight tetra
1 white cloud
1 Oto
3 jade apple snails.

3 Days ago, I feed the tank, and I dont see any of
my Nanochromis, which usually come to the top for
food every day.

2 Days ago, I added 4 neons to the tank, which had been
quarantined for 2 weeks time, and seemed fine.
On adding the neons, 3 out of 4 were found dead within 24 hours.
I assume the nanochromis killed them? They were tiny.
Then last night I do my regular water change, and I find a female Nanochromis dead. Today, my male.
I cannot locate the other 2 females I can only assume the worst.
The only other thing I also did, was place a small little angelfish in the tank to recover from damage caused by the other two angels in my big tank who had decided they are a pair. This angel is perfectly healthy, except for torn fins from the male angel, and she is about 6 months old, so not very big yet, maybe 2 inches, possibly 3?
She has been hiding in the exact same corner of the tank since I put her in there.

Today, levels are:
nitrAtes: 5ppm
Ph 6.5

Any ideas on why my nanochromis died?
I have read and been told that these fish are incredibly
hardy and tough...the guy I got them from actually used his to cycle the tank they are in!
These were F2 generation babies, about 8 months old now.
And as mentioned before, were perfectly healthy 5days ago.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 29-Jan-2007 21:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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