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  L# One of my new Geophagus tapajos has Popeye!
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SubscribeOne of my new Geophagus tapajos has Popeye!
Mega Fish
Posts: 1397
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Registered: 11-Feb-2003
male usa
I just got 3 new F1 Geophagus tapajos (orange head kind) and 2 F0 Satanoperca jurupari (I know they get 10" long, but they're like 3" now... I'm just holding onto them for Daka for a while until he can find a home for them AWAY from his piranha )... of the geo's has popeye in his left eye

It's the runt of the bunch, and I think that the others may be stressing him out (the recent move a few days ago probably stressed him out quite a bit too)... I dunno

Tank stock (out of my profile)-

3 F1 Geophagus tapajos (orange head)
2 F0 Satanoperca jurupari (temporary home)
6 Peppered Cories
3 Blackfin Cories (will get more if I can find them)
6 Corydoras agasizzi
2 Ottos (getting more)
1 Neon Tetra (getting a school)
5 Black Neon Tetras
1 Celebes Rainbow
1 Female CT Betta Splendens
2 Ghost Shrimp
3 African Dwarf Frogs

Filtration -
2x Penguin 125's w/out bio-wheels
Whisper 20-40 (200GPH)

1 Pothos Vine (growing in a filter outside of the tank)
1 Water Onion
1 Cryptocoryne wendtii var. red
1 Java Fern
3 Patches of Java Moss
3 Aponogeton Crispus
4 Aponogeton Undulatus
3 Vallisneria sp.
1 African Fern
1 Banana Plant
1 Unidentified Fern

Lighting -
20w 18,000k
8w 6700k
15w 4200k

Tank parameters -
dKH - 3
Nitrate - ~20ppm
Ammonia - shouldn't be very high. The tank is fully cycled, moderately planted, and I did a 5 gallon waterchange last night... just dosed the tank with Cycle a few minutes ago just in case. I don't know where my test kit went to...
pH - should be around 6.6-6.8ish... lost my test kit for that too ]:|
Temp - 80F/26C

I'll see if I can find my other test kits and post up what the params are...

I don't really need to know the cause of the disease, as it could be anything really...I just need to know how to treat it. From what I've read, it's not necesarily contagious, and it may just go away on it's own and do no harm...or it may infect everybody else in the tank and kill everything

Any suggestions/help/ideas would be greatly appreciated


EDIT - It's in my 29 gallon tank... the geo in question is a juvie, about 2-3"...

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Last edited by PoisonWaffle at 09-Jan-2006 17:21

Last edited by PoisonWaffle at 09-Jan-2006 18:56
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
Posts: 1397
Kudos: 591
Registered: 11-Feb-2003
male usa
Hmm...not working...lets try that again...

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 26-Jul-2004
male usa us-virginia
I understand that popeye is caused by either spinach in the tank, or poor water quality. If there is any ammonia in the tank, it could have contributed to the popeye. I know you're more interested in treating the disease than knowing more about it, but it helps to be able to prevent future outbreaks.

The best thing I can recommend is to do extra water changes and get that ammonia down. Popeye isn't contagious (though multiple fish can fall victim to it, I'm fairly sure it doesn't spread around) and it will just fade away by itself. If you get a handle on any pollutants which could be causing water troubles, the infection will go away.

Last edited by sirbooks at 09-Jan-2006 22:13

And when he gets to Heaven, to Saint Peter he will tell: "One more Marine reporting, Sir! I've served my time in Hell."
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
Posts: 1397
Kudos: 591
Registered: 11-Feb-2003
male usa
Thanks for the help, Nick! I'll keep up on extra water changes (will do another one tonight), and give it a few weeks and see what happens. I might move him to a bucket if it starts to show any signs that it's contagious... I dunno what that might be, but if I start to think it is, I'll move him...

Here's some more pics I got of him today...neither are that great, but he was acting paranoid and wouldn't stay out (of hiding) long enough for me to get any decent pictures...

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
Posts: 1397
Kudos: 591
Registered: 11-Feb-2003
male usa
Here's another pic...from the back...can see the eye sticking out...

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 3875
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Registered: 26-Jul-2004
male usa us-virginia
Even if the infection dies down, the fish could end up with permanent damage to its eye. Blindness isn't an unheard of effect of popeye invasions.

And when he gets to Heaven, to Saint Peter he will tell: "One more Marine reporting, Sir! I've served my time in Hell."
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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