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  L# Platy Problem
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SubscribePlaty Problem
Big Fish
Posts: 395
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Registered: 16-Jul-2005
male usa
My platy's seem to be turning an odd color on there head almost a dark purple. I cant tell if it might be scale loss is that possible in a fish?

10 gallon
no live plants
recently added fake plants
gravel substrate
3 Platy's 1 Male 2 Female
2 Zebra Danio's
1 Cherry Barb

I just did a water change a few days ago because the nitrates where going up to almost 40 ppm but I need to get to the LFS and test my water soon but that wont happen until thursday (EST)

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man" Simpsons
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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