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  L# Platy with mouth stuck and gills open
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SubscribePlaty with mouth stuck and gills open
Posts: 105
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Registered: 17-Nov-2003
female usa
I had to put a platy down because she was suffering. Her mouth and gills were stuck open and she couldn`t eat. She was staying at the top of the tank sucking air so loud I thought it was one of the Clown Loaches. What could have caused this and what could have been done to help her?

125 gal
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 5.0
pH 6.9

5 Clown Loaches under 6"
5 juvi corys
5 platies
2 flounder 2 1/2-3"
4 danios
4 African Dwarf Frogs
1 Glassfish

[font color="#000080"]EDIT: Just making it more readable, html doesn't work on these forums.[/font]

Last edited by sirbooks at 31-Aug-2005 19:10
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Darth Vader
Big Fish
Posts: 338
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Registered: 05-May-2005
male australia
sorry to hear that
i think i could have been some sort of parasite
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 105
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Registered: 17-Nov-2003
female usa
Really???? What type of Paracite would do that? It seems noone has answer,most just say lock jaw. I`ve asked in my forums and many people have seen the symptom but are clueless to the cause. Guess it`s time to call the Baltimore Aquarium.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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