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  L# Plecos with ick
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SubscribePlecos with ick
Small Fry
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Registered: 16-Aug-2006
Well it's come to the worst possible conclusion, we have lost 4 plecos to ick, and one more today from reasons unknown, it's odd, the water quality in the tank(it's been cycled and up for abou 3 months)is strange, we use the same products we use on our other tanks, but when you hand goes in it feel tingly, also, found something similar to the skin you see atop of scolding milk... We have treated the tank for a while and almost (if not all) of the ick is gone, the L 200 (green phantom) we lost today (who also happend to be my favorite) had no ick... is it the water quality? We've lost 5 out of the nine that were in the tank, and really don't want to lose anymorehave , it would be a great tragity as I become attached to my buddies, and my dad like them even more that i do... image how he feels???
Post InfoPosted 15-Jun-2007 23:41Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
Tingly? Are you sure there isn't anything leaking electricity into the water? Does occasionally happen and you end up shocking your fish. The only way to know if it's water quality is to give us some test results from a good liquid or powder test kit(not strips). Otherwise noone can know what's going on in your tank.
Post InfoPosted 16-Jun-2007 02:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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male uk
EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Well it could be the water quality, so if I were you'd test the water to know for sure. Now the ich meds are done with make sure you change out some of the water and run carbon to shift leftover meds that could change to become more toxic.

. Some meds can radically affect water quality, but until you do tests you wont know.Sometimes protiens and fats can form on the water surface when the cycle is compromised, and that can cause localised ammonia and acids that may even give your fingers a tingle. Some meds too can give you a tingle, either chemically, or by increasing the electrostatic properties of the surface film.

Run carbon, change water, basically get it shifted.

I think you answered most of your own questions there, get a wiggle on and sort through it before you lose more fish.
Post InfoPosted 16-Jun-2007 02:22Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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