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  L# Powder Blue Gourami: Sick or Wounded?
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SubscribePowder Blue Gourami: Sick or Wounded?
Small Fry
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Registered: 07-Jan-2007
EditedEdited by jay7sal
Here are the tank specs. Below is info. on the gourami.

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite (note the I): 0
Nitrate (note the A): 30
pH: 7.3
Temp: 78 F

Tank Size: 20 gal. regular
Stock List (Quantity/Species): powder blue gourami ~ 2 in.
neon dwarf gourami ~ 2 in.
black fin shark catfish ~ 3 in.
2 blue flame tetra ~ 1 in.
2 lemon tetra ~ 3/4 in.
chinese algea eater ~ 2.5 in.
bronze cory ~ 1 in.

Filtration: penguin 100 bio-wheel power filter

Top Fin water cond. - 1 mL per gal. once every 2 wks w/ 20% water change or top off water.
API aquarium salt - once ever 2 wks only with 20% water changes and we use half the recommended dose (.3 tsp per gal.) b/c of our cory and live plants.

Powder Blue Gourami: The wound is white and missing all of its scales. It almost looks like a red line where the scales start again. The wound is smaller than a pencil eraser and located right above the anus. The gourami is going to the bathroom fine. We first thought it was just a wound from an aggressive chichlid that is no longer in the tank. The wound was noticed about 3 weeks, it's definetly not getting better, but it's hard to tell if it's getting worse. We're just afraid it might be a disease that could spread to our other fish. We did attach a pic, b/c we couldn't figure out how to attach more than one. The picture doesn't do the wound justice b/c the red spot in the back is just darker colored scales, more of a brown color. The wound that is down low and to the right, really has more white than red, white being in the center and red around it. The fish's attitude seems unaffected. She/he is eating fine and energetic.

Attached Image:
Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2007 04:48Profile PM Edit Report 
DeletedPosted 21-Jan-2007 04:55
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Registered: 18-Jul-2006
male usa
Its The Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus.
I do not know if there is a cure though.

Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2007 05:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 07-Jan-2007
Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2007 05:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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