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  L# Red Bay Snook (Petenia splendida)
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SubscribeRed Bay Snook (Petenia splendida)
Small Fry
Posts: 3
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Registered: 05-Nov-2005
male usa
I bought a pair of Red Bay Snooks about a year ago; I put them in a 125 gal tank at 76 deg, pH 7.2, hardness 12 dH. One died from what appeared to be a fungal infection after about 7 months. The other is acting weird: she's contracted a couple of infections, but we've cured them. Still she refuses to eat when I can see her, and she hides in the corner of my hospital tank with her body curved in an S shape, pelvic fins thrashing frantically. She's on;y about 3 1/2" long after a year. Any ideas what might be going on?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
Piranha Bait
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Registered: 16-Nov-2003
male canada ca-ontario
"body curved in an S shape, pelvic fins thrashing frantically. She's on;y about 3 1/2" long after a year. Any ideas what might be going on?"

I hate to say this, but your fish has a very serious problem which will not be reversable. Tuberculosis is most likely the problem. Once the spine is too crooked like that, there is no chance of recovery/treatment.

You should humanely euthanise your fish (put it out of it's misery) beheading the fastest way. Then sterilyze the tank.

I'm sorry for your loss, and that I cannot sound more optimistic.

Any future posts regarding sick fish should be in The Hospital. The responses there are pretty fast.

Are there any more fish in the tank ?

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
Posts: 3
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Registered: 05-Nov-2005
male usa
She had been in a tank with several other fish: three Venustus, three Compressiceps, two large Plecos, a striped Raphael, and a couple of unidentified cichlids. All are healthy and symptom-free except this fish. I took her out when she started showing bloody streaks, slime coat was damaged, and fins & tail were damaged; my first thought was septicemia. Fins grew back, scales got better, slime coat improved, she went back in the African tank and within a day was in the same shape. So naturally I thought it was a social thing, that she was being beaten up by the Africans. Out of the big tank, into the hospital again, this time no improvement in a couple of months. Leukemia, eh? Thanks- I'll check into that.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Piranha Bait
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Registered: 16-Nov-2003
male canada ca-ontario

Last edited by DaFishMan at 23-Nov-2005 21:54

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Registered: 21-Aug-2005
male uk
Odds-on thats mycobacterium again, a treatment including metronidazole would do the job. Sometimes chronic thiamin deficiency can cause the same symptoms, but if you use good quality commercial foods its unlikely. Its more likely to be experienced by keepers that use nothing other than frozen foods.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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