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SubscribeRed Dots On Pearl Scale
Small Fry
Posts: 1
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Registered: 03-Jun-2006
EditedEdited by aradia467
Ammonia Level (ppm): coming in 12 hrs
Ammonia tester used:
Nitrite (ppm): coming in 12 hrs
Nitrate(ppm): coming in 12 hrs
Are you testing with dipsticks?:
pH Level: coming in 12 hrs
Temperature: hovering at around 25c depending on night or day
Heater (yes/no): no
Aeration: none
Water change amount/frequency: 4 gal, per week
Tank size: 10 gal
How long has the tank has been in operation: 10 months
Type of Filtration: aqua clear 20, sponge + rocks + coal
Water additives/conditioners/pH adjusters: 1 teaspoon of stress zyme and stress coat + 1 table spoon of Doc Wellfish salt with every water change
What, how much and how often is your Goldfish fed: TetraFin Goldish flakes, Nutrafin max (algae flake food), once a day, consumed immediately

Tank inhabitants (number, size and type of fish/other aquatic pets):
One 3 inch white pearl scale, had since tank, 10 month
1 large apple snail, had for 1 month
1 small zebra snail, had for 3 month

New additions/changes to the tank: The 2 snails has been removed to a new home a month ago. Removed all but one plastic plant, have gravel.

Unusual findings on the Goldfish: tiny red dots behind the scales, have previous loss of scale from pet store

Unusual behavior: darts a lil once in a while.swim slowly

Medications/what has been tried or done do far: none

Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 02:33Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 09-Apr-2003
male australia
looks like something internal
possibly a parasite, but i'm not sure

what's your reading for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
also, 25 degrees might be bit high for goldfish, maybe drop it to around 20 degrees
10gal is kind of small for any type of gold fish really

Post InfoPosted 07-Jun-2006 14:34Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
Hi there,
couple things, need those readings on ammonia and nitrites asap.
Second, 10 gallons is much too small for any kind of goldfish. Acceptable stocking is 30 gallons for the 1st goldfish and then 15g per additional fish.
I assume its a pearl scale oranda, which can grow to up to 10-14 inches or even more!

Looking at the pictures, it looks like either some type of abrasion from rubbing against something too hard, or it could be the start of a hemmorhagic septicemia.
Your fishes gills look awfully red.
My suggestion, keep a good watch. Do more water changes, and consider getting your fish a bigger home.
Stunting is definitely an issue at your fishes size now.
If you notice the condition worse, try a broad spectrum antibiotic like Maracyn 2.
Good Luck.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 07-Jun-2006 21:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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