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SubscribeRed Spots????
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Registered: 01-Aug-2005
female usa
I have two long finned leapard danios of my school that have reds spots on them and and acting very slugish too and anyone help me on what this is please.
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 01:49Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
Piranha Bait
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Registered: 16-Nov-2003
male canada ca-ontario
Red spots are an early sign of bacterial infection.
Some red spots are also caused by parasites.
Flukes and fish lice are two prime examples.

A broad spectrum antibiotic called Jungle Fungus Eliminator (by Mardel) would treat for both. It treats for protozoan and bacterial infections.

Have you added any new fish lately ?
Is it possible to test your water parameters and post the results ?

Good luck

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 18:16Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 01-Aug-2005
female usa
Well I dont have and test stripes, and yes there was new fish in this tank because these aer the new fish only had them for about 2 weeks now and they have seem fine, I had one die over night but I do a 30% water change on this tank every week because there are pond snails in there too but they are going to be taken out soon I feed them to my brothers oscar, well anyways the spots look like the blood has been sucked to the top on time I dont thnk the pons snails would of done it and the only thing i have in there are two ghost shrimp with them too. I put jungle fungas clear in there this morning
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 22:05Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Piranha Bait
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Registered: 16-Nov-2003
male canada ca-ontario
It's not the snails or the shrimp.

Your new fish introduced a nasty.
It the fish are flashing/scratching, suspect external parasite such as body flukes. If not itchy, internal bacterial infection. Stick with the Fungus Clear for the directed period of time and pls report back on any change.

Melafix would be a good addition and safe to combine with your med. If body flukes the melafix would help sterilyze (clean) any external wounds which would speed healing as well as help prevent a secondary infection. It also lessens stress on the fish.

If anyone has some additional thoughts,
feel free to chip in !

Hang in there

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 07:21Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 01-Aug-2005
female usa
Well I think your proably right about the bacterial infection and I figured it couldnt of been the snails or the shrimp. I have two more die on me today so that leaves me with only 3 left in the tank now, but Im going to continue the treatment in that tank just in case the others left may get it too. but if these die too Im not going to buy anymore for these tank proably going to get some more frogs like I have in another tank and some more shrimp, I seem to have more luck with frogs and that nature than fish except for the fish in my 18g.

Well thanks for your help and Ill try to hang in there with these lil guys
Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 23:31Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Two Tanks
Big Fish
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Registered: 02-Jun-2003
female usa
Keep an eye on the remaining fish. If they don't make it and you decide to reuse this tank, make sure to sterilize it with bleach and rinse it well to make sure all traces of bleach are removed before using it again. Throw out the gravel and the filters and clean the heater and filter housing with bleach (rinse well), or replace them all.
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 03:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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