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SubscribeRed growth!
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Registered: 06-Feb-2003
A few weeks ago I discovered a small red bump on the base of my green severum's right pectoral fin. This was unfortunately the night before I left for a short trip to Victoria. I got back and he seemed fine, except the bump was still there. Soon after I bought a new 55g aquarium and to try to improve water conditions, I put the included filter (a Whisper 60) into my 20 gallon tank (at half strength). I was really hoping that he'd recover with good enough water conditions, but the growth has steadily grown through the top of the base of his fin, and is looking very nasty. I've been treating him with melafix for the past week now, the pH in the tank is about 7.2 and the ammonia concentration is about 0.6 mg/L. He is about 8" long, and is not showing any signs of stress. His tank mates are a Plecostomus (very large), a Kribensis, and a Khuli Loach. I realize that this isn't the best combination, as well as being very cramped, but I can't move the larger fish into the 55g until the 55g stand is finished. The only tank decorations are a few plastic plants and a piece of Mopani driftwood. Does anyone know what this infection could be and how to treat it? Some good closeup pics of his infection can be found here



Last edited by Dragonchild at 04-Jul-2005 10:13
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
You want what when?
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Registered: 29-Mar-2003
female usa
With that said, I would suggest you increase your water changes in the tank he is currently in...if you are doing them once a week, go to twice a week, or every 3 days...if you are only doing them every 2 weeks, by all means increase to at least once a week, if not every 3-5 days...Yes, the tank is crowded, yes you are working on doing something to resolve this, but until then you are going to have to up the water changes, to help with the stress the fish are currently going through...

Then I would go and add a bit of aquarium salt to this tank...For a 20 gallon I would begin today with 2 tbs, added to the HOB and let it mix it in slowly...Tomorrow I would again add another 1-2 tbs, for it to mix in slowly...But, in doing this you are going to have to keep a close eye on your pleco, as they are very susceptible to salt, and you don't want to cause him undo stress...I would also keep adding the Melafix to the tank, and try feeding them the "jungle" fish food that has an antibiotic in it...With this you guy should start looking better soon...

But just a piece of warning, while adding the salt be sure to watch the fish, not just the pleco...if the addition of salt is stressing them in any means, stop adding it immediately, and do a water change to reduce the salinity...

hope that helps,heidi

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 14-Jan-2004
male usa
Could be a injury, Make sure tank is clean. Plecos make water very dirty, they make alot of waste.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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