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SubscribeSaprolegnia and Aeromonas?
Taking life on an angle
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Registered: 05-Jan-2007
male costarica
EditedEdited by REDPHANTOM
Hi everyone,

Really glad we have somewhere to go to and rely upon for help.

Repercussions of time restraints due to work related matters have kept me away from my tanks for the past week. The dire consequences being that the lack of maintainance of the overgrown top water plants have shaded the lower region plants and caused them to melt and wither off.

The nitrate spike had its consequences and I will elaborate on them point by point.

But first parameters:

50 US gallon tank

NH3: 0 mg/l
NO2: <0.3 mg/l (lowest measure of my Tetralabb kit)
NO3: 70mg/l
Temperature: Daytime 27 C / Nighttime: 25 C
GH: 6.5
Ph: 7.8


Hoplos catfish X1 (3.5" )
Farlowella mariaelenae X1 (5" )
Rineloricaria sp. X2 (3" )
Marble hatchet X5 (1" )
Cardinal tetra X4 (1" )
Neon tetra X2 (1" )
Green Flame tetra X2 (1" )
Rummynose tetra X2 (1" )
Amano shrimp X? (0.8"-1" )(Started with 9 but lately only have counted 4 at a time, Im sure Hoplos has something to do with it)

40% WC was done last night and I will get current readings of nitrates tonight.

On with the details...

The first sign of trouble was that my farlowella's tail extensions whice were about 1-1.5" long had dissappeared...I thought it was nipping from the other fish but started to notice other signs on other fish. Tail's cartilage(?) in between radius is also degraded showing ripping along the length of the radius.

Attached Image:

Farlowella mariaelenae
Post InfoPosted 22-Jun-2007 23:32Profile PM Edit Report 
Taking life on an angle
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male costarica
Some of the ripping along the tail is more noticeable in this picture, where you can also see some white growth at the base of the rip. This is the only Marble afflicted so far.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Jun-2007 23:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Taking life on an angle
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Registered: 05-Jan-2007
male costarica
Close up of marble's tail...

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Post InfoPosted 22-Jun-2007 23:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
DeletedPosted 22-Jun-2007 23:38
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Taking life on an angle
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Registered: 05-Jan-2007
male costarica
Even though this tetra normaly has white on the tips of its fins you can see some white growth on the dorsal fin.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Jun-2007 23:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Taking life on an angle
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male costarica
Notice a small growth on its top lip...Saprolegnia?

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Post InfoPosted 22-Jun-2007 23:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Taking life on an angle
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Registered: 05-Jan-2007
male costarica
This is my most serious case. Cardinal tetra showing decay or white growth on fins.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Jun-2007 23:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Taking life on an angle
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Registered: 05-Jan-2007
male costarica
Same Cardinal tetra... you can see hemorraging of the underbelly veins. He is the only one showing these veins for now.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Jun-2007 00:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Taking life on an angle
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male costarica
The hemorraging from the other side of the fish...

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Post InfoPosted 23-Jun-2007 00:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Taking life on an angle
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Registered: 05-Jan-2007
male costarica
Thanks for your time and attention as well for your help in advance...Hope that you can tell what is going on from such blurry pics.

The delicate thing on how to proceed would have to encompass the prescense of shrimp in the tank, thus meds will have to be invertebrate safe.

Thank you so much,

Post InfoPosted 23-Jun-2007 00:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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male uk
EditedEdited by longhairedgit
The ol melafix and pimafix combo for starters, while its still not too severe,and that wont hurt the shrimp, but I have a feeling red, that a lot of this is not tank present, and I certainly dont think a week away from fishkeeping in any way counts as neglect enough to cause sickness, but this might be because of costa rica's possibly slightly dodgy bacterial water cleansing, and high level of ambient bacteria partly due to the tropical climate.

You might be one of those people who benefits enormously over the long term from UV sterilisation.For a lot of people it wouldnt be a cost effective or necessary step, but in your case, if you have the cash , it would most definitely be worth it. It might also be worth getting a bigger filter, as that sort of reaction would be unusual from a more capacious filter, and TBH if I had a fish die and lie in a tank all week I wouldnt get that kind of reading. Perhaps go for the overfiltering approach? Filters with higher media space levels perform better than the smaller filters with higher flow rates.
Post InfoPosted 23-Jun-2007 00:19Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Taking life on an angle
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Registered: 05-Jan-2007
male costarica
Thanks LHG,

I'll hit the mela and pimafix to see how they respond. I'm definately underfiltered and overstocked on this tank. So some fish will have to move once things pan out and better filtration acquired. UV has been a hard one since they only have play-type units here, I'll keep on looking though.

Water quality is a big issue in my region, sometimes I would not drink the tap water myself since its so filled with sediments and organic matter.

Allright then! Off we go!

Thanks again git, I'll keep you all posted.

Post InfoPosted 23-Jun-2007 00:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Taking life on an angle
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Registered: 05-Jan-2007
male costarica
EditedEdited by REDPHANTOM
Hi all,

Another fish has shown up with serious symptoms, my dear Hoplos Catfish, he has lost its plumpness and its looking all shriveled up and empty. I'll elaborate, his belly seems sunken in and lax. The pectoral plates are poised upward from it's empty belly as oppossed to horizontal as usual. It seems that he has a little curvature in his spine at anal fin level, but this could just be my impression. Hes active behaviour has ceased and spends most of its time on the bottom under plant cover. When he does swim he is very erratic and slow moving for the exception of a little twitch of his head and body. He has been feeding on pellets drenched in vitamins but goes right back to his hideout looking grim.

Is this a result of bacterial or fungal infection, or could it be related with internal parasites?

All your help is greatly appreciatted,

Post InfoPosted 23-Jun-2007 17:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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male uk

Protozoan parasites and mycobacterial infections can do that to a fish. Try and source some metronidazole soon as possible.
Post InfoPosted 23-Jun-2007 19:34Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Taking life on an angle
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Registered: 05-Jan-2007
male costarica
Thank you, so much,

I'll get that handled right away.

You can not imagine how much I appreciatte your support.

Post InfoPosted 23-Jun-2007 19:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Taking life on an angle
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Registered: 05-Jan-2007
male costarica
Medication Update:

Metronidazole medication was added to tank last night in the manner of one pill per each ten gallons to make a total of 5 pills. The product provided by the LFS was" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pliva Inc. 334 Metronidazole 500mg Tablet (you will find it 6th to last down the page on link). Dosage recommended by LFS was 1 tablet per each 10 gallons, treat for 48 hours and 50% WC after that time period. Repeat if necessary for another two days.

Given that this is not a fish medication, which I just found out this morning, what would be the proper way to dose and treat the fish with this med? I'm sure I can get Seachem's metronidazole, but it wont happen till tomorrow, since stores are closed on Sunday and I am currently posted at work.

Ironically enough, I had recently bought a fresh packet of Junglelabs Anti-Parasite Medicated Fish Food which has metronidazole and praziquantel as active ingredients. It is not recommended to use with invertebrates in the tank which I have. Should I leave the packet closed and forget about this medication or feed little by little making sure the fish eat the medicated food without it getting to the bottom where the shrimp can eat it?

Dosing of melafix and pimafix as recommended by manufacturer is also in place.

Fish Update:

Mr. Hoplos, thanks to "The All Mighty", Longhairedgit's prompt response, and my friend's logistical support, is looking much better. He is getting back to his usual active self, swimming around and cutting in front of the line to feed before anyone else. He munched down some 5 diverse type pellets soaked in Vita-Fish Vitamins by Marine Enterprises Int. and regained his big belly, he is still looking a little slim, but at least he has a full stomach. Is it ok to soak food in vitamins of this sort to fish as oppossed to adding it to the water? Is it actually gonna help him in any way?

The tetras are looking quite active and although the marbles were flicking at the surface, they did not try to jump out last night and are eating with good appettite.

Loricariids are hanging on fine as well for the moment and seem almost not bothered by the whole situation.

Shrimp were quite active and feeding as well and seem to be doing fine under medication.

In synthesis, there is still hope.

Thanks again for your feedback,

Post InfoPosted 24-Jun-2007 21:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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male uk
Hows mr hoplos today,? Hope all is well.

Post InfoPosted 27-Jun-2007 00:04Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Taking life on an angle
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Registered: 05-Jan-2007
male costarica
Thanks for asking LHG,

Mr. H is doing much fine, he has regained some body mass, and is lugging around his usual pot belly. He has been eating constantly pellets drenched in vits and frozen bloodworms. He seems to be getting back to his usual self, active, swimming around and approaching the front glass when one walks in the room, his coloration seems deeper set as well.

I have been administering Seachem Metronidazole product as indicated dosage from manufacturer.(100-200 mg per each 10Gallons) For a total of 100g for a 50 Gallon tank each 2.5 days, scheduled WC and 3 day rest period will happen on Saturday, and treatment will be restarted next Tuesday.

Melafix and Pimafix are still being administered every day to aid in the saprolegnia and aeromonas infection. Although the aeromonas seems to be under control the saprolegnia still shows prescense on the upper lips of some Red Phantoms.

Despite the current status, the fish are very active and eating happily, even displaying courting behaviour.

Thanks again for all the help, I'll keep the log updated so you are all aware of the process and status of the fish.

All the best,

Post InfoPosted 28-Jun-2007 23:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Taking life on an angle
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Registered: 05-Jan-2007
male costarica
Hi everyone,

Fish are undergoing second week of treatment, daily dosing of pimafix and melafix at a rate of 5 ml per 10 US gallons and metronidazole at 200mg per 10 US gallons.

Fish are doing ok but I've noticed a white cloudy dot on the Hoplos eye, right on the very center of it, on both eyes. A cardinal tetra seems to be affected as well with this growth-like cloud of the eye.

Seems to be external to the eye tissue and almost portruding, could this be a result of the existing infection or do I have yet another illness present in my tank?

Thanks for all the help thus far,

Post InfoPosted 07-Jul-2007 03:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Taking life on an angle
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Registered: 05-Jan-2007
male costarica

Well things have turned dreadful after finishing the last of the metronidazole, pima and melafix treatment.

Aeromonas seem to be out of the park and the marbles tails have regrown leaving no trace of that infection.

Saprolegnia is still present in some of the tetras lip, but not spreading.

Eye fluke I believe the cardinal tetra and the hoplos may have this. Symptoms being a cloudy spot on center of the lens of the eyes. Snails could be intermediatte host.

Dropsy Last night the cardinal tetra afore mentioned was having trouble keeping herslef upright. She was going belly up, floating along with the current and not being able to compensate buoyancy. Noticeable symptoms were strong bloatness with pine coning of scales, bulgy eyes, reddening of gills and strong breathing.

I dont know if its best to tear apart the tank and start it from zero again, transferring inhabitants to 20 and 30 gallon QTs? Medicate with stronger treatment to get rid of disease in situ?

Im really at a turning point here so any help and guidance will be appreciatted.

Post InfoPosted 20-Jul-2007 21:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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