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SubscribeSick and Crazy Silver Dollar
Small Fry
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Registered: 15-May-2006
male australia
Hi all

Just purchased a 6ft tank at a bargain price with all assesories including a Via Aqua 700 cannister filter etc,

The bonus was it came with 3 x silver dollars / 3 x Braziliensis which are a mating pair with 10 babies which i have saved from the cannister filter and 2 x Kissing Gourami's.

I have put 4 x Bristlenoses in as well as 1 silver shark and 2 Angels.

My problem is that 1 off the Silver Dollars keeps ramming the side wall of the tank and has done some damage to his front and am concerned that he may die.. All the other fish seem to be ok except him. When i purchased the tank the ex owner told me they are atleast 10 years old and are approx 14cm to 16 cm long..

The temp is set at 25 cesius or 77 farebheit
The ph is 7.2
The Kh is at 5 which i know has to go up a bit

I am currently treating them for white spot with Multi Cure as it is new water in the tank and may be a bit stressed from the travel and new setup..

I have thought of maybe applying some Anti Stress but thought i'd get some feedback first.

If anyone can help i would be greatly appreciated

There is a link to my set up below with the pics of fish but if not work let me know and i'll try again..

Check out my photos
Post InfoPosted 16-May-2006 15:19Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
Small Fry
Posts: 3
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Registered: 15-May-2006
male australia
Sorry that link may not work please try

Thanks again

Check out my photos
Post InfoPosted 16-May-2006 15:24Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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male uk
EditedEdited by longhairedgit
It might simply be that nervousness causing the flighty behavior.Youre tanks are practical , but rather spartan. A little cover might help a great deal. Some chunky bogwood placed centrally in the tank so the fish can hide from view might help reduce stress, and given that the dollar will eat plants, perhaps some dense plastic plants at either end will prevent much of the ramming.

It might be worth checking the water quality too, something might be irritating the fish and causing it to freak out.
Post InfoPosted 17-May-2006 01:34Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
Posts: 3
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Registered: 15-May-2006
male australia
In reply there is a large piece of drift wood approx half the size of the tank.

Ok i have put the plants on the end of the tank now but
Wednesday evenning i found my 10yr old silver dollar back stroking. This morning being Thursday i have found 2 Angels / 1 Silver shark and also a Bristlenose..

I am devistated as he / she was so old and now th others have died..

I have treated the tank by using Multi Cure for the white spot at half strength.

Ok my temp is at 25 - 26 celcius
ph is 7.2 still
Kh is still at 5
and just tested the PO4 which is 20/0 at 1.0

That was tested a couple of hours ago

Thanks for the help too i appreciate it.

Check out my photos
Post InfoPosted 18-May-2006 13:48Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
What is your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate reading? They are more important in sick fish than KH and pH.

Post InfoPosted 18-May-2006 17:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
Posts: 3
Kudos: 1
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Registered: 15-May-2006
male australia
Unfortunately they have all died

But to all who have replied thanks and now the job ahead to strip and re-cycle tank...

Check out my photos
Post InfoPosted 20-May-2006 14:17Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Registered: 21-Aug-2005
male uk
Damn thats bad luck, had to be water quality or temperature related, almost nothing else kills that fast.

Sorry for the loss.
Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 04:50Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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