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SubscribeSick betta?
Small Fry
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Registered: 19-May-2006
female usa
This is the second crowntail betta I have purchased from a chain pet store that I've had problems with. I think from now on I'll stay clear from it. In the meantime, I have a problem with my betta.

I just bought him Friday, and as soon as I added him to the aquarium he turned over and floated on his side like he was dead. He acts like he is having a very hard time breathing, and he stays near the surface. Swimming seems to be a big burden to him, because he seems to be moving extra hard to swim even a short distance. He will be fine for a little while, and then he'll roll over on his side and float sideways. Not swim. Float. He also occasionally floats vertically, like he is trying to die. He began doing this the instant I added him to the aquarium.

I set up my aquarium two days early and added stress coat, so I don't think it's my water. I don't know what the problem is. Is this store selling bad fish, or could there be something I'm doing wrong?

I have a hang on back filter (but there is no current to the water, because I have a piece of sponge filter in the way so he could swim without any problems), the temperature in the aquarium is about 83 degrees, he is the only fish in the aquarium, and it is a five gallon tank. Help? Please? Thanks in advance and sorry for the small book I wrote.
Post InfoPosted 20-May-2006 21:33Profile PM Edit Report 
Jay Hopper
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EditedEdited by Jay Hopper
I don't think it's anything wrong with your tank. I think it may just be the pet store. Many Bettas that are sold at pet stores are usually weaker and less hardy than ones you can buy from a reputable breeder, so if you want a good Betta, buy from either a reputable breeder or from an lfs with a very good reputation for healthy fish. If you go to an lfs, look for Bettas that are in other tanks aside from those tiny boxes that actually have filter currents in them. This means they can tolerate filters more and will get used to it quicker if you have a filter in your tank. If their fins are deteriorating, aren't very active or have any other signs of disease, don't buy them, stay well away from them. Unfortunately, I haven't got any advise on what to do with your sick Betta though...
Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 02:29Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Sounds like the swim bladder has gone. Aside from antibiotics for the few bacterial causes and keeping the MOST stable tank temperatures and water quality theres little you can do. It might be the shock of the move. Your tank is also verging on a little warm, maybe knock it back to 78-79f or so and keep it steady there.High heat can cause difficulty in deflating swim bladders as the air expands, the bladder gets adhered to surrounding organs and eventually tears. Sometimes recovery is impossible, but if its gonna happen it will happen in the normal temperature range.The frequently given out advice to hike the temperature for sick fish can be lethal to those fish with swim bladder issues.

Commonest causes are bacteria, thermic shock, stress, deformity or overfeeding.
Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 04:46Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
Posts: 4
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Registered: 19-May-2006
female usa
Yeah. I thought it was swim bladder, but I wasn't sure. This morning when I woke up he was dead, so he must have died during the night. Thanks for all the help.
Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 13:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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