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Small Fry
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Registered: 06-Jan-2005
female usa
Hi folks, I've now got 3 tanks, 2 communities and I've now delved into the wonderful world of Cichlids with the 3rd. However, I'm extremely concerned with one of my fish. It's a Blue Malawi, or what I think is the Petsmart version of the Malawi Peacock (this one is only supposed to grow to 4". Anyway, his left eye is suddenly covered in what looks like a white encapsulation. It's not fuzzy like ich, but it's sort of bulged out. I don't know if it's a disease or an injury. I don't know whether I need to remove him from the tank. Can anyone help me? Has anyone ever seen this? Any advice would be most appreciated! Thanks.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male malta
What are the tank water parameters & what are the tank mate?.
Please give as much information as you can.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 06-Jan-2005
female usa
Hi, thanks for responding. It is a 20 gallon tank. The tank mates are: 2 Labidochromis Caeruleus (Petsmart name: Electric Yellow), 2 Yellow Labidochromis, this is what Petsmart calls them, they look like the picture of the Peacock except that they are brown with yellow cast and orange-like eyes, 1 Labeotropheus Fuelleborni (Petsmart name, Ice Blue), and one Plecostamus.

I just looked at his eye again. It looks like whatever this white stuff is, is peeling off. It's very strange. Whatever this is, it is obvious that the fish does not feel well. He would not eat this morning. I had another Blue Malawi from Petsmart, he died the first night I had him. I usually have great success with my Petsmart. I am finding it difficult, however, now that I am intrested in the Cichlids. They name them so differently I'm not totally positive of who I've got! The names I gave you are from matching photos to what I see in my tank....

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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Registered: 18-Jan-2003
male usa
Usually it's caused by dirty water, or, since you got it from pet*****, the fish probably wasn't in the best condition anyways.

Saproglenia Fungus is the cause of the eye infection. There are many medications for this, easiest would be to go to your LFS and ask them for a medication with malachite green or copper sulfate to treat an eye infection. If they ask, you can give the name (Saproglenia Fungus) and how it looks.

Just to be on the safe side, you may want to do a water change also.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
Posts: 8
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Registered: 06-Jan-2005
female usa
Hi, thanks so much for the info. I had actually just done a water change a few days before. I do think there was something up with the Malawi's as the only 2 I've had problems with were the 2 Malawi's. Unfortunatley, the one I was writing about passed away yesterday evening. I guess I should know better than to get a more"specialized" fish like Cichlids from Petsmart. I know better now...... I'll also get that medication to keep on hand. My other Cichlids all seem fine Thanks again for your help.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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