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  L# Small Black Internal Worms
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SubscribeSmall Black Internal Worms
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Registered: 05-Aug-2004
female australia
One of my angelfish has small black worms inside its body. It is a gold angel so i'm able to see these guys inside its gills, and have recently spotted one in its muscle tissue. I was not entirely concerned before as this fish seems perfectly healthy, and they have not spread to any other fish, but am beginning to become concerned as they seem to be multiplying (although very slowly). What should i treat with? Any ideas about what these worms are?
Post InfoPosted 20-Dec-2006 12:42Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
I would be concerned. This kind of infestation can
spread rapidly to other fish in the tank, and can be

I would isolate the affected fish and treat ASAP
with a broad spectrum antiparasitic.
Levamisole HCL, Metronidazole, Prazinquental,
any of these should work.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 20-Dec-2006 23:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Registered: 21-Aug-2005
male uk
EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Could well be flukes, sneakys advice is sound. Get them treated asap before they spread to other fish, cos frankly , they probably will. Lodging beneath the skin visibly and in the gill tissue is pretty charateristic for flukes.
Post InfoPosted 31-Dec-2006 18:46Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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