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  L# Splayed Angel Fins - what's up with that??
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SubscribeSplayed Angel Fins - what's up with that??
Big Fish
Posts: 431
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Registered: 12-Mar-2004
female usa
I have a 65g hex with 7 (or now, 6) angels. Lately, several of them (but not all) have splayed fins. Recently, one who looked very very healthy save for the fins, died. He didn't even really LOOK dead!!

One of the Serpae Tetras in that tank has the same problem. I have tried to start treating with Pima Fix and Mela Fix.

I also lost a Pristella Tetra last week (she had no fin problems, but a large "cyst" looking thing on her underside..........she acted completely normal til the day she died).

I have a Fluval 304 on this tank. I do 30%-40% water changes and gravel vac every two weeks or so. PH is 7.5. Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites at zero or just very slightly above.

This also happens to be the tank that mysteriously developed snails recently (no live plants and no new fish in last 6 mos. at least)

Any thoughts??
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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