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L# General
 L# The Hospital
  L# Strange
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Registered: 18-Jan-2006
female uk
A whle ago my mum bought some Leopard Dainos for her tank. Theres six - five are fine but one's really strange. It started lying on the bottom of the tank a lot when we got it even though it was fine in the LFS. We thought it would die within a few days but it didn't. Now, a few months on, it's still going but it has an arched back and it's pale, spending most of its time swimming in circles near the filter. It still lies about on the tank occasionally, but it can swim fast when it wants to. All the other fish in the tank are fine, and i just thought it was really odd that the fish has now changed shape. I was wandering if anyone had had similar experiences with fish like this, and if anyone had any idea why or how this could of happened.
Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2007 13:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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