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SubscribeTetra Medica Fish Food
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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While trawling the web for various pieces of information, I've alighted upon the existence of a new Tetra product - Tetra Medica medicated fish foods. These apparently are manufactured in two distinct varieties, one for dealing with parasitic infections, and one for dealing with fungal/bacterial infections.

Now here's the problem. Tetra's official site in the UK contains NO reference to these products!

Has anyone here encountered these foods? Has anyone tried them out?

The only detailed information I can find on them so far is here in a message bounced back and forth between forum members of, which lists the active ingredients (quite handy!). I'd be grateful if someone can dig up an official Tetra site that covers these products - preferably an English language one, as my German is very rusty these days!

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 04-Oct-2006 00:23Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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EditedEdited by zachf92
I've never seen or heard of Tetra medicated fish food, but I have seen medicated fish food from the company Jungle Labs. They make both anti-parasite and anti-bacteria food, as you can see on this link:
Post InfoPosted 04-Oct-2006 01:32Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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EditedEdited by tiny_clanger
I've heard of it.

I was under the impression that those foods are not available in the UK as their active ingredients come under those restricted by law and prescribable only by vets (ie they contain an antibiotic)

>From the label: Tetra Medica-----Medicated Flake Food
For treatment and prevention of "Parasitic" diseases for onamental fish
With stabalized Vitamin C

"Feed for 7-10 days; use no other food. Do not feed continually or fish
will develop immunity."

Thae active ingrediants;
Sulfadimethoxin 0.25%
Trimethoprim 0.05%
Metronidazol 0.80%

(quoted from TheKrib link)

Yeah - Metronidazole, Sulfa and Trimethoprim are all controlled drugs in the UK and would only be available from your vet or doctor.

I am very ambivalent about these drugs being available OTC to the fishkeeping community. Already in the developed and developing world, there are issues about bacterial resistance to Metro for human conditions. Introducing it into a water supply via aquarium water changes concerns me!

I like to think that whoever designed marine life was thinking of it as basically an entertainment medium. That would explain some of the things down there, some of the unearthly biological contraptions
Post InfoPosted 04-Oct-2006 16:56Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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