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  L# What Are Some Common Goldfish Diseases?And can they get pop-eye
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SubscribeWhat Are Some Common Goldfish Diseases?And can they get pop-eye
Cichlid Kid
Fish Addict
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Registered: 22-May-2004
male usa
hi.sorrry for the long post. just wondering what are some common golfish diseases,what causes them and how than can be treated.Also can goldies get pop-eye?if so i think mine may have it,all tank paremeters in check and normal but he was recently move to a much larger tank.he did get attacked by some of my other fish and i heard pop-eye can be caused by stress.OK so here r his symptoms eyes dont appear to be "popping" out yet and if they are it barely noticeable, but ontop of his eyes appear white and washed out but the rest of his body is normal and pefectly colored, vibrant and bright.I had an Oscar that started pop-eye w/theses symptoms but his eyes began by being popped out, but wanted to ask to see if it was if i could catch it in the early stages
thanks all!and again sorry for the long post.
Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2006 04:36Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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