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  L# frontosa slugish
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Subscribefrontosa slugish
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 13-Jun-2004
male usa
the tank is fine, but my male frontosa is slungish,and my female is fine. what's going on. i think on his dorsal fin there is like a growth there. i think i will let him be for a day, and then see what wrong with him.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
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female usa
could your male have been trying to spawn with your female? if so that might explain his sluggishness, and if there is something on the dorsal fin, then maybe she decided to show him who she feels is in charge of the tank

Heck, give him some green peas popped out of there skins today/night and see if that helps, because well constipation can make one sluggish

And like you've said keep an eye on could always toss in a dose of melafix while you wait to see what is up with him...


"I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom." Thomas Carlyle
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 13-Jun-2004
male usa
i moved everything out of that tank, moved the female, and added ick meds, and the next day he is back to normal. go figure. he must of had a early ick problem.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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