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Subscribemy betta .....:( has a swollen tummie
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Registered: 04-Nov-2003
female canada
my betta has what looks like 2 pea sized lumps. i haven't changed his food, which is betta pellet food from petcetra, his scales are not pocking out, scales and skin look healthly. does he have a tumor or constapated ? how do i help him, or should i put him down? i started noticing it about a month ago, he still eats and swims around like normal

90g- anguilla rostrata,6 silver dollars,2 pictus catfish 60 g- anguilla rostrata 29g-4 blk skirt&4 serpia tetras, 6 harliquin resbora, 3kuhli loach 20g- 2 mountian minnows, 2 zebra danio& dojo loach , a corn snake and 2 monster dogs
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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male usa us-texas
How often do you feed him? I've seen fat bettas due to feeding a little bit too much. I give mine like 3 pellets a day and nothing more. Sometimes I even skip a day or two.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-massachusetts
If he is indeed constipated, feeding him a pea should help him out. Just split one in half and drop it in. If he is still eating though i'd have to imagine that isn't the case. Is there any way you could post a pic? That would go a long way in helping find out what's wrong with him. BTW what size tank is he in and what is your cleaning schedule with it i.e. water changes (how much and how often), tank parameters, temperature that sort of thing.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 04-Nov-2003
female canada i hope you can veiw these pics i took of him?? he's in a very large bowl possibly 2gal underground filter with heater half water change biweekly with water testing for all my tanks every week , and a week after 3rd water change i change filter media, maybe over fed as i feed all my fish twice daily 2-4 pellets twice a day for him. sometimes i get to busy and forget to feed that second feed a day

90g- anguilla rostrata,6 silver dollars,2 pictus catfish 60 g- anguilla rostrata 29g-4 blk skirt&4 serpia tetras, 6 harliquin resbora, 3kuhli loach 20g- 2 mountian minnows, 2 zebra danio& dojo loach , a corn snake and 2 monster dogs
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 09-Aug-2004
male usa us-massachusetts
Wow, those really do look like 2 peas when you look at him from the front. I would say twice a day feeding may be too much. I feed all my Bettas once a day with the occasional blood worm treat at night. You should probably keep a close eye on him, I personally have never seen constipation do that to a Betta, but I guess anythings possible. Keep us updated.

Last edited by Jessnick at 03-Sep-2005 12:37
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 17-Jul-2004
female canada
That doesn't look like it would be from feeding too much. What you are feeding now sounds fine, so he wouldn't balloon up from that. Did this develope over time or did it just pop up one day?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 04-Nov-2003
female canada
over about a month period he just slowly started balloning out. i tested every test kit i have ph, ammonia, nitrite, gh& kh all is in the good, temp is at 71 just turned it up 73 maybe that will help, ooooohhhh about a m...o..n..t..h.. ago i cleaned the bowl( which i take half the water and him out and swish everything cleaning the sides, put it all back together) butttttttttt i forgot to plug in his heater till the next day when i noticed , soo he got about 10 degrees cooler then norm i'm in vancouver bc and it's been pritty warm so i don't think that it should have affected him, i didn't plug in the heater at it's norm temp as he was about 10d cooler so turned the temp down to just a couple degrees and over a few days i raised the heat. i don't think that temp shock is the prob here

90g- anguilla rostrata,6 silver dollars,2 pictus catfish 60 g- anguilla rostrata 29g-4 blk skirt&4 serpia tetras, 6 harliquin resbora, 3kuhli loach 20g- 2 mountian minnows, 2 zebra danio& dojo loach , a corn snake and 2 monster dogs
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
The girl's got crabs!
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female australia au-newsouthwales
To me, it looks like fluid build-up.

Did it start at the same time as any illness or problem with either him or other fish?

It looks like a similar thing to dropsy (ascites - fluid in the abdomen), except the scales haven't popped up, which seems to be the case if the swelling develops over a long period, as the skin has time to stretch out.
I'd say that the most likely thing is that an organ has failed and his body is just filling up with fluids.

Providing he is in no discomfort, i see no reason to pu him to sleep, however I don't like your chances of curing it.

I just had the same thing happen to one of my girls, when you said it looked like 2 peas, alarm bells went off in my head. I put her down about 3 weeks ago, as she lost control of her bouyancy. She was swollen for about 2 months and was quite active and interested in that period of time.
PIC:[link=]" style="COLOR: #990000[/link]

For animals, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks. - Terry Pratchett

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 04-Nov-2003
female canada
whats the best why to put a fish down ?

i was told along time ago when my oscar had hole in the head, to net him put him in a bag with a little very cold water and then put him in the freezer. i hope that is the most humane way to put them down

90g- anguilla rostrata,6 silver dollars,2 pictus catfish 60 g- anguilla rostrata 29g-4 blk skirt&4 serpia tetras, 6 harliquin resbora, 3kuhli loach 20g- 2 mountian minnows, 2 zebra danio& dojo loach , a corn snake and 2 monster dogs
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 27-Oct-2003
female uk
Some people use Clove oil and Vodka, but I don't know how much you'd need, alot of people don't like the freezer method.

Are you sure there is nothing else to be done?



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Harvey S. Firestone
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
The girl's got crabs!
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Registered: 16-Sep-2001
female australia au-newsouthwales
Ice slurry is considered most humane. Make freezing cold water and just pop the fish in that and then put him in the freezer to be certain.

For animals, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks. - Terry Pratchett

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 04-Nov-2003
female canada
thanks guys your help is greatly appriated! well he does seem to not be bothered by this but i am going to watch him very closely. poor guy

i'll keep yah posted

90g- anguilla rostrata,6 silver dollars,2 pictus catfish 60 g- anguilla rostrata 29g-4 blk skirt&4 serpia tetras, 6 harliquin resbora, 3kuhli loach 20g- 2 mountian minnows, 2 zebra danio& dojo loach , a corn snake and 2 monster dogs
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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