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  L# mysterious platy sickness???
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Subscribemysterious platy sickness???
Big Fish
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Registered: 23-Jul-2005
female usa
I have a batch of platy fry that are about two months old, and today i was doing my usual viewing and i noticed a patch of scales completely missing off the under belly of one of the fry, i of course netted him and put him in a quarantined tank to ensure my other fish would be safe, did a 25% water change on the tank they came from, and when i came back to examine him further i noticed it wasnt just scales missing, but a hole in the underneath portion where his fin on the side meets the gills. i've never seen or heard anything like this, but i notice some of his intestines hanging out a little bit..

so i decided to do the only humane thing i could, so... i flushed him. im not sure he would ever get better, and well, he could easily hooked himself on some of the plants i've got in the tank. not only that, but get harassed by some of the bigger fish.

does any of this sound familiar to anyone? if so, im curious as to what it is and if its too late for my other fishies?


I love the fishes cuz they're SOOO delicious...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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male uk
Er- you should smack him on the head and bin him, not flush him alive.

Water from sewers often makes it back to watercourses either directly or via leaks, you could pass his disease on.

Also suffocating in ammonia, cleaning products, and human excrement with my skin burning and an open wound while suffering from thermic shock certainly wouldnt be my preferred end....

To be safe I would treat the tank he came from with broad spectrum treatments like melafix and pimafix and watch closely for any further symptoms in your fish.

Good luck.

Last edited by longhairedgit at 04-Oct-2005 20:05
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 27-Mar-2005
female australia
If smacking the fish around the head isn't your cup of tea, I pop my terminal fish in a cup of tank water in the freezer - a drop of alcohol optional for a sleepy end.

As for your platy sickness - I'm afraid I have no idea. Could he have caught himself on a rock or maybe had a nasty nip from someone?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Posts: 383
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Registered: 23-Jul-2005
female usa
well dangit, i've never had to put a fishy to sleep.. i thought i was doing the right thing. okay.. so i hope whatever it was doesnt afflict my other fish, and hopefully that never happens again, cuz it broke my heart a little to see the poor baby with his belly hangin out. ugh. sad world for the fishies.

if any of those symptoms sounds familiar to anyone.... let me know, cuz im still curious. it very well could have been a bite, i've got these two white skirt tetras that like to gang up on everyone together, so... you know.... its possible.

thanks for the help guys... next time i'll try to euthanize my fish in a more decent manner i suppose.


I love the fishes cuz they're SOOO delicious...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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