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Serpae Tetras and Neons with Ich
Hi ya'll, ok this isn't dealing with my fish at home, but another teacher who has fish in her classroom She has Serpae Tetras (or Red Phantoms, no...
houston423-Aug-2005 01:38
what could this be???
she looks like she has an inf;amed gill or something well take a look at her left gill you cant see it very well but you can see it under neather her...
funnyfish423-Aug-2005 01:19
my watter turned cloudy and my fish started to die
Hey i have 6 brachish puffer fish, and one algae eater, i folowed the pet shop guys instructions to the dot, and my watter turned all cloudy after one...
Anthonym723-Aug-2005 00:50
Filter injuries
my green spotted puffers keep getting sucked into the side filter that i have, and i keep having to shut it off and let them out at least twice a day....
Anthonym623-Aug-2005 00:48
Black Moor - Eyeball completely out of socket
Hiya - My first time on this forum so hope I've posted in the right place. I've had a black moor and another fantail goldfish for about 4 years. They...
robs007321-Aug-2005 03:55
Problem with curviceps
Hi, i have something going wrong with my 4 laetcara curviceps, i think they may be getting skin flukes. when i first bought them one was a bit odd loo...
morpheus21020-Aug-2005 15:13
i know i made another post, but that was about the rams, now, i have lost 2 corys, and the others r missing some wheres in the plants:#( i took tiny (...
fishyhelper288420-Aug-2005 03:32
Whare are the Parameters?????
I have noticed (again) that people haven't been asking for parameters when helping in the hospital forum. I don't mean to be a pain but it's REALLY i...
trystianity820-Aug-2005 03:16
why oh why has my little frog died
once again i somehow managed to kill off an african dwarf frog. I have a 20 gallon tank understocked with peacefull inhabitants. ph=7 ammonia=0 nitr...
marsha_mush320-Aug-2005 02:25
Pages: 1, 2
I came home today to find my ther angelfish almost dead with no tail and no jaw..... it is not from something in the tank. I need to know asap if I...
angeleel3719-Aug-2005 08:06
water fleas
I recently discovered some little bitty tiny beetle like bugs swimming around in my 55 gallon and my 30 gallon tanks, someone told me it could be wate...
chelaine618-Aug-2005 10:00
What could it be?
I recently set up a 30 gallon hex tank I have an UGF w/carbon filters and an aquaclear? outside filter (up to 50 gallon cap) I set it up on Friday and...
eskimomommy518-Aug-2005 05:08
melanochromis auratus
i have a dead auratus i have checked all the perimiters nitrates0 nitrites0 everything 0 ph 7.8 i did get some plants from lfs seen her fliped over bo...
deschazkody718-Aug-2005 04:50
Ich - urgent help please!
Hi all, Been a long long time since i've been on this forum, but now i need everyone's advice. I've got ich in my tank, and fairly bad i think. I've...
Lilf617-Aug-2005 02:20
HELP please
ok in my dwarf puffer tank i just found one of them stuck to the filter. he looked dead so i tried to scoop him up with a net but then he swam a fe...
Ethan14216-Aug-2005 22:02
dropsy on and off or just damaged scales
i have a female community tank, with the water conditions fine. well it wasan't fine, but then i corrected it with water cahnges. it is a 20 long with...
bettachris1415-Aug-2005 15:18
sick parrot fish
hello all i have a parrot fish that has over night has had 2 bumps pop up that i dont know are a bite from the other parrot in the tank but it looks...
bknygurly1515-Aug-2005 07:29
what is wrong with my white female
my poor white female. her left gill wont go back down it looks like she is flaring on one side but shes not my friend told me it might be a bubble but...
funnyfish215-Aug-2005 04:31
upside down balloon molly "help"
I have a balloon molly and his just started swiming upside down is this a disease and can it be treated, his hasnt lost appetite or nothing he is eati...
DwarfGourami415-Aug-2005 04:31
help!! i ram dead already, and not sure how well the other one is!
i had 2 rams in a 29 gallon, i moved them to a 10 gallon so they could pair up, they were doing great, so i had just finished planting up a 20 gallon...
fishyhelper2881613-Aug-2005 22:04
Goldfish disease
Hi everyone, My Mum has 2 goldfish that were kept in a pond. As the pond was leaking, the fish are temporarily in a tank. When we removed them we no...
bkaryn013-Aug-2005 06:00
Quaranteening without quarantine tank?
Hi, A few days ago another one of my cory paleatus is showing symptoms (clamped fins, lethargic, scratching against ob jects) of what his deceased par...
upikabu612-Aug-2005 00:49
feel off fungus
i came home from a mini vaction, only to find that one of my two sick sun cats(but one is doing better since last post. aka b4 i left) he was on the t...
bettachris311-Aug-2005 03:22
My ADF has dropsey
I found one website- the picture there is exactly what...
goldfishgeek411-Aug-2005 00:35
black ghost death =(
i recently lost a beautiful black ghost knife fish.. our tank seemed fine.. he normally just hide all day.. but last few days hes been all over the...
KnX042611-Aug-2005 00:34
need help on English meds Betta with Body rot
my betta Bailey had fin rot seemed to be improving, could see regrowth, but today when i checked her the bit that had regroen has gone and now it look...
goldfishgeek511-Aug-2005 00:23
Whirling Disease / Myxosporidia?
I have a zebra danio that is dying, he has always been the runt of the group and just today I noticed that he seemed to be having trouble swimming, sw...
trystianity411-Aug-2005 00:00
I suppose this is a free discussion on all things related to the infection "ich". It is to my understanding that rapid water temperature drops may...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles610-Aug-2005 21:44
I noticed a few days ago that my large fantail has lost some scales. He seems o.k, and his behaviour is normal. I'm not sure why he has lost scales....
tanzy110-Aug-2005 17:02
White Sore on Mouth
My rainbow boesemani has developped a recurring white sore on his mouth. I'm not sure if he got nipped and it is healing or if this is a known problem...
billyspans510-Aug-2005 09:30
Angel Gill
Hi all, It been a long time since the last time I posted or read from this site. Been busy lately and haven't spend too much time on my tanks. Thi...
BigGee168310-Aug-2005 07:24
Kribs Eyes
my female krib's eyes seem to have blown up like ballons (maybe the size of a mini m'm) and one has even seemed to have popped. it's kinda gross/sad....
i_spaz_out410-Aug-2005 07:15
Dead guppy, others look sick
Yesterday i noticed one of my guppies has a silver dusting on it. They all kind have a natural silver glow to them but this one's colours have been ta...
ericm1010-Aug-2005 03:59
I have a pair of angels which seemly came down with a case of fin-rot. I have treated them and it appears to have cleared up. However, one of my an...
ufgradufish408-Aug-2005 07:04
sick betta
My male betta has been losing alot of color lately and i've noticed his abdomen area is really swollen like he's eaten too much. I could be feeding h...
chelaine408-Aug-2005 03:46
Misc problems with my cories
Hi, I'm having a few different problems with my cories in 2 tanks, so please excuse the long post. Tank 1 (see my profile for stocking) P...
upikabu1008-Aug-2005 03:17
Sick or injured?
Hi folks, I've now got 3 tanks, 2 communities and I've now delved into the wonderful world of Cichlids with the 3rd. However, I'm extremely concerned...
freso407-Aug-2005 18:46
Bump on clown loach
There is a bump like thing on one of my clown loaches. It kind of looks like a boil. Another one also has these clear spots on its body that looks lik...
ericm407-Aug-2005 11:34
Oh no, my corydoras keep dieing.
Ok, I keep having this happen. The corydoras would kind of shrink away and die. I would find them all lethargic, and they look shrunken and emaciate...
kankushok507-Aug-2005 02:40
Cycling Problems!!!
I have started cycling a 12 gallon tank and now one of the zebra danio's cycling it is sick. I know its probably the ammonia caused by cycling but my...
bcwcat22806-Aug-2005 23:41
Oh my God! My stupid mother in law is staying with us and she just sprayed fly killer in the room right next to one of my aquariums. It is something...
mesonic506-Aug-2005 22:51
Coppersafe and Tetras
Anyone know if coppersafe is safe at full strength with small tetras. I thought it was recommended half strength, but didn't see anything in the coppe...
tetratech106-Aug-2005 15:26
the water is usually good, ph around 7.2-7.3, the filter ehiem and tank size is a 75gallon. i have to "suncats" that are really sick. they have clou...
bettachris406-Aug-2005 15:12
Random deaths
I am relativley new to all this fish stuff but I know most of the basics. I was hoping that someone could tell me what im doing wrong. I have had a st...
bcwcat221106-Aug-2005 15:10
extremely large eye
One of my panda barbds eyes has become very swollen its still eating and trying to school as well as most panda barbs can Tank size 42gals Ammonia 0...
Alex1105-Aug-2005 07:40
ICH Cause
Besides temp. fluctations, what's the most likely cause of ich. I have a disease free tank other than ich about 4 months ago when I forgot to plug th...
tetratech405-Aug-2005 03:26
Cory Colony Slowly and Gradually Dying Off
My first experience with cories has not been a good one. They are breaking my heart. I first got them last year...all Schwartzi cories. I ended up g...
MO605-Aug-2005 02:55
swordtail sick?
The smaller of my 2 female swordtails appears to be sick to me, but she has none of the symptoms of any disease i look up. She looks green in sort of...
Hello Fishy705-Aug-2005 02:36
all color gone below Neon tetra's dorsal fin
Here is a link to a picture of a neon tetra I've had in quarantine for a week (new fish, not previously ill). He is at the center of the pic. The ligh...
Beefshank1004-Aug-2005 00:59
Mela/Pima Fix with clown loaches
My cardinals have a case of fungus on their tails again. Last time I used a med by jungle labs since my cories had a bad case too and it treated it up...
ericm404-Aug-2005 00:28
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