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  L# possible internal parasite?
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Subscribepossible internal parasite?
Posts: 148
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Registered: 30-Mar-2004
female usa
I have a betta who's belly has been swelling for a course of a couple weeks. After having a lot of deaths from dropsy, i've been treating him with some anti-bacterial meds. The thing is that I've noticed it before, but paid no attention to it because it has gone away, is there is this clearish like string hanging from his anus. It's now more thicker than I've seen it before...

Is this a internal parasite? and if so, what is a good med for it?

note: I've tried getting him to eat Jungle labs anti-parasite food, but it's too big for his mouth, and he alwasys spits out the crushed pieces of it. So, that med is out....Thanks for the help...

His name is Peyton, he is my brother's fishy..
(his healthy pic)
Pammy attached this image:

Last edited by Pammy at 18-Nov-2005 16:00

Last edited by Pammy at 18-Nov-2005 16:00
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Hoa dude_dude
Mega Fish
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male australia
Could it be constipation? You could try feeding him peas...

He looks pretty old imo.. How long has your brother had him for?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 30-Mar-2004
female usa
He got him last January...He wasn't a small fish, but not really big either.., but he still acts very young. Even with his big belly he's moving around quite well, like he's not sick. But then, he'll sit at a favorite resting spot for an extended period than what's usual.

I've tried the pea thing...I'll try it again. Till then, please keep posting suggestions. They are much appreciated.


Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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male uk
That swelling goes pretty far back considering where his vent is.This is a bit worrying as few roundworms would actually cause swelling that far back. Could be the beginnings of osmotic failure in some tissues, this could be caused by worms reducing renal function. Id be tempted to treat for internal flukes as well as roundworm. Once treated, id also back off on the food a bit and see if you can actually skinny him down a bit, if the swelling continues it could be fat deposition in the liver.If it is fatty deposition in the liver a diet may be the only cure.If it is constipation, wormers are pretty much guaranteed to get things moving

Odd one that. Let us know how it goes.

Last edited by longhairedgit at 18-Nov-2005 22:41
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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