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  L# several different sick fish
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Subscribeseveral different sick fish
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 21-Apr-2004
female usa
My 90g is having a few problems. First water parameters:
PH: 7.6 using ro water with equilibrium for gh minerals and kent ph stable for carbonate hardness
Hardness values should be around 6 because that's the amount of powder I put in but I ran out of gh testing solution and am having trouble reading the kh test

I keep losing cories pretty randomly. No sign of illness or injury. They are just found dead when I check the tank in the morning or evening and usually already half eaten by the trumpet snails. Mostly the pandas but also a few of those unknown cories I got from walmart several months back. They look alot like habrosus and so far have stayed smaller than the pandas. The remaining juli I've had for 2years is still doing fine.

Farlowella has blood on his head today. Probably from wacking it against things since that's how he defend any food he's found. I recently removed the royal plecos driftwood temporarily so he's had nowhere to hide and been actively swimming around the tank. The 2 of them might have gotten into it over a dead cory or something. Should I just add a little melafix and leave him alone?

The fairly new ram is in the worst shape. His belly is all swollen up and he has nearly transparent poo hanging out of him constantly. Parasites? He's also just been sitting on the bottom for the past 2 days. I have no tank to put him in because the other 2 rams are in the quarantine tank still. He was getting all beat up because the other 2 are a male and female and seem to be considering spawning so I moved him. The best I can do is a 2g bowl with airstone or maybe pick up a small plastic storage container and throw in an extra small water pump. I can't get medicated food here so I'd have to order it online which would take at least 3-5days. Any ideas to help him?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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