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Subscribestrange deaths
little fish
Posts: 40
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Registered: 21-Sep-2005
female usa
I am new to the fish world and just started my first and only tank a couple months ago. I've already had several platys die for no apparant reason. My red-tailed shark also died (but I've heard those are hard to keep), and my shrimp died too. Not to mention a couple of otos too (but they got stuck to the filter, which probably had something to do with it). I'm sure I sound like a terrible fish owner, but I'm really trying to do everything right. I've tested my water a million times and everything seems fine. I also do regular water changes. I have a couple of cats that I have had since the beginning, and they're still doing just fine, so that's why I think that there can't be anything terribly wrong with my tank. Does anyone know why my fish are dying?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
What is this?
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male usa
First things first... could you give us some more details? Stuff like tank size, stock list, filter, details about your water changes, and water test results.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
little fish
Posts: 40
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Registered: 21-Sep-2005
female usa
Sorry about lack of details. I have a 20 gallon heated tank. Unfortunately my temperature fluctuates probably more than it should. It's always between 70 and 80 degrees though. Usually around 76 or so. My nitrate hasn't been more than about 5ppm or so for several weeks, never above 10. Nitrite has never been above .05, usually 0. Ammonia seems to stay around .25. I leave my light on from around 7am to around 10pm. In addition to the now only 2 platys and 2 cats, I have a fiddler crab (which I am giving to a friend with a brackish tank soon), a small angel fish which has not shown any aggression, and 3 blueberry tetras, which pick on each other, but rarely bother the other fish. I don't have any algae eaters right now, so my algae is a bit out of control, but I don't think that affects the fish at all, and I try to keep the tank as clean as I can (using no cleaning products, of course.) When I change the water, I put chlorine neutralizer in the tank, I use luke warm water that is slightly soft, and I usually do somewhere between a 10-50% change. If you want any more details, just let me know.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
little fish,

From reading your last post I believe there are a couple of reasons your fish are dying.

If you tank is a couple of months old the nh3 (ammonia) and the nitrite (no2) should basically be zero. If you are getting readings above this your tank is probably overstocked or you might be feeding too much. Less food is always better. The fish and the water will be better for it.

Another thing is the temp flunctation. If the tank is heated why does the temp flunctate between 70 and 80f.
The temp should be pretty much the same all the time within a degree or two. If you get a temp swing of let's say 5 degrees overnite that's gonna kill some fish.

If your going to keep alot of fish in a 20g you need to do more water change, once a week at least 30%. If your already doing that do two a week. That will reduce nh3.

Last edited by tetratech at 07-Oct-2005 18:01

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
little fish
Posts: 40
Votes: 2
Registered: 21-Sep-2005
female usa
Thanks for the suggestions. i probably am overfeeding them. should i not get any algae eaters if my tank is well stocked? i'm really sick of the algae, but i don't want to overstock the tank. as far as the temp fluctuation goes, i think something's up with my heater. i have an post in the technical tinkering forum about it. i can't get my temperature to stay constant, but i'm working on it, and hopefully that problem will be fixed soon. thanks again.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 04-Nov-2003
male usa
I wouldn't put any more fish in at this point. You want to straighten out the heater and the ammonia first.

Are their real plants in the tank and how much light do you have? These things have alot to do with algae.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
little fish
Posts: 40
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Registered: 21-Sep-2005
female usa
i do have two live plants. i can't remember what kind they are. one is a fern of some sort. i don't know the wattage of the light, unfortunately. it's just the light that came with the tank when i bought it. i could probably turn the light off for longer than i do, but i like to see my fish.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
little fish
Posts: 40
Votes: 2
Registered: 21-Sep-2005
female usa
This just occurred to me. should i be concerned about having only 2 platys in my tank? because i know that they are schooling fish, and they might get stressed out if i don't give them a couple of buddies. i know i shouldn't put any more fish in the tank, but should i be worried about these guys?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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