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  L# unexplained koi deaths
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Subscribeunexplained koi deaths
Small Fry
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Registered: 29-Jun-2005
female usa
I need help! We started out with 20 koi ranging from 3 inches to 14 inches. When I added 4 new koi about a month ago, thats when all my troubles started. First, I lost 3 koi in 1 week. The water tested perfect every time. Their color was pale they became lethargic, then they would die. I then took the last new koi to a pet store. The scraping revealed hyphae, flukes and protozoa. After a total of 8 days of treatment in hospital tanks, the fish continued to die. approx. 1 fish a day. Water levels remained within normal limits at all times. I noticed the fish prior to dying have sunken eyes, pale looking, lethargic and will not eat. I have 6 fish left. I was told it could possibly be KHV- koi herpes virus. How common is this and is this a possibility? If so, if any survive will I ever be able to add new fish or would I infect them? The koi I have left still are not exactly normal, their appetite has decreased and they do not eat as much. They are also not friendly like they used to be. hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for your time and consideration regarding this matter. sincerely, lisa
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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