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  L# very sick silver shark - possible very low pH.
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Subscribevery sick silver shark - possible very low pH.
Big Fish
Posts: 355
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Registered: 20-Apr-2001
male australia
Howdy all,
Long time since I've needed to contact you but my very large (over 7" ) silver shark is very sick.
It started a couple of days ago when I noticed that it's scales started to go a milky white, now I believe it's not Itch. Today it's almost a floater and on its underside between the fins it's very red and the "milky" whiteness is all over. I usually dispose of sick fish quickly but I've had this one for over 8 years and if it's what I think it is will it heal quickly?

Did a water change about a week ago as usual but did a parameter check now (coz of the fish)
pH: totally low and have put in pH raiser to get it on scale! (Up to 6.4 or so now and will increase it again in a few hours)
Ammonia: 0
Tank: 4'x2'x2' ( big) 450litres.
Temp: 24 C
In Australia

Community of 5 gouramis ( 4 smallish , 1 biggish)
plecos 1 large
Clown loach 4 (1 large and 3 small)
Siamese Alae eaters 2

I think the fish has suffered because of very low pH.
Can the low pH be the reason for it's near fatal ailment when the other fish seem fine?
If so will it recover or do I put it out of its misery quickly?

Post InfoPosted 21-Dec-2010 07:58Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
Posts: 355
Votes: 2
Registered: 20-Apr-2001
male australia
Too late. It died.
Post InfoPosted 21-Dec-2010 09:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
I'm sorry you lost your shark macbeth .

Sounds lot me like it was a fungal infection. Your water results state it's zero nitrAte, there should be some nitrAtes present in a properly cycled tank. How old are your test kits?

Usually doing anything to change the ph can be more stressful on the fish than leaving it alone as the ph will return to what it was before adding any ph adjuster. What ends up happening is a bouncing ph rather than a steady one. Similar to how people end up sicker when the weather bounces between hot one day and freezing the next instead of staying similar.


Post InfoPosted 22-Dec-2010 00:07Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Posts: 355
Votes: 2
Registered: 20-Apr-2001
male australia
Thanks babelfish.
Will get new kit as I've had it a while.
Post InfoPosted 22-Dec-2010 06:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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