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  L# white worms in the aquarium
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Subscribewhite worms in the aquarium
Posts: 34
Registered: 02-May-2004
male papuanewguinea
I noticed that white little 0.5cm worms are getting out from the DIY co2reactor which is cuplated to Aqua el filter.
I left my aquarium opened and at night the hood is opened because i have problems with heat here 30*C(80*F).
I was wondering that they can be only insect worms flies or mosquitos it seems like my callistus discovered them and he's looking for them.
Is there some chance that they are parasitic worms?
I didn't add any new fish for about 1 month and any plant for about 2 weeks.I don't feed my fish with live food.
I changed the water yesterday.
I have some ich symtoms also about a week ago my cory started to scrath.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Report 
Posts: 117
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Registered: 01-Aug-2005
male usa
They sound like they could be anchor worms. A copper based treatment or parasite treatment along with regular water changes should help take care of them.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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