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SubscribeSome people are nuts!
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Ok, I get the whole "great white sharks dont include humans as part of the regular diet" thing.....

.....and then theres such a thing as pushing your luck.

look on the bottom left of that page with the diver and the GW.

Post InfoPosted 02-Apr-2006 05:07Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
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That guy was a good example of an Idiot.

You can call me Newb too, since I'm not nere new any more.
Post InfoPosted 04-Apr-2006 14:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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I actually found out an interesting statistic from a friend of mine. Your at more risk to die from being hit in the head with a coconut than you are a shark attack

Post InfoPosted 04-Apr-2006 16:44Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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I actually found out an interesting statistic from a friend of mine. Your at more risk to die from being hit in the head with a coconut than you are a shark attack

Yeah, there are a lot of things like this. More likely to get hit by lighting etc.

But if humans spent as much time in the water as they do on land I'm sure the likelihood of getting bitten by a shark would skyrocket. As it is, though, as long as you make yourself look as little like a seal as possible I'm pretty sure that'll keep those GWs at bay

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 04-Apr-2006 17:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Yeah, if you sit under a palm tree, your risk of being hit goes up a fair bit.


Then there was that lumberjack that got hit 11 times by he said himself in a rather forrest gump way "the fuurst wooon reeleeved me of mah eyebraws..".

Anyone remember the missouri?

Soon shall we see thee, you fine spanish ladies...

Jaws. Rubbish shark information, but a great movie
Post InfoPosted 05-Apr-2006 12:11Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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female usa
Jaws is so inacurate it is sad.

Post InfoPosted 05-Apr-2006 16:45Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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lol the big rubber shark is scary. Id be thinking who the hell dropped a huge rubber shark on my boat, and why is it eating robert shaw. Rubber things dont need to eat.

Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 18:14Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Joe Potato
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I believe the proper question is "Why didn't it eat Robert Shaw sooner?"

Joe Potato
Post InfoPosted 07-Apr-2006 18:32Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Because without robert shaw we'd have been treated to yet another samuel l jackson monologue and probably had some really bad cg mako sharks too.

Pretty soon the team that brought you scary movie et al, will bring out another gem, where a load of preaching shark experts, samuel l jackson, and roy scheider will be stuck in a rubber dingy in the middle of the pacific, watching two australian tourists being eaten slowly by a 300 foot wobbigong shark, with a jack lemon imitator sailing by repeatedly in a 100 foot yacht telling everyone to go in for a swim.

There will be suspence moments when the shark performs brain surgery on itself in an attempt to be smart enough to tip them from a dinghy while they all successfully manage to pull up a sea floor mounted electrical cable to lure the shark with on a 3lb fishing line and hit each other round the head with paddles. Two kids with a shark fin on their head will be shot by a spear fishermen and naked hippies will be running around being eaten for their promiscuousness.

Now that, id watch
Post InfoPosted 08-Apr-2006 13:44Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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You've got too much time on your hands sir.

I love the fishes cuz they're SOOO delicious...
Post InfoPosted 08-Apr-2006 18:43Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Joe Potato
Fish Addict
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male usa us-northcarolina
Now that, id watch

I would too, but only for the naked hippies.

Joe Potato
Post InfoPosted 08-Apr-2006 19:36Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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EditedEdited by Calilasseia
I recall a documentary that was filmed about 10 years ago in which a team of scientists used surfboards to film Great Whites in action.

The procedure was as follows.

[1] Drill a hole in the surfboard for the camera lens to view through. Mount camera in position with lens pointing through the hole.

[2] Rig up a long cable between two islands, across a channel of water where the Great Whites are known to swim. Loop the cable around pulleys.

[3] Attach the surfboard to the cable, and slowly pull it across the channel in both directions.

For a while, nothing happened. Then ...

They filmed a Great White looming out of the depths at the surfboard ... and WHAM, it struck. The shark had charged at the surfboard so fast that it lifted clean out of the water with the surfboard in its mouth. When the shark discovered that the surfboard wasn't edible, it spat it out (bitten clean in two) and the camera with it. The camera (with attached float) was retrieved afterwards by motor launch (needless to say, the scientists used a boat big enough not to trigger a feeding response). The resulting footage was quite something to behold.

EDIT : just found THIS ...

Man who tags Great White Sharks by hand with satellite transponders

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2006 16:42Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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male uk
EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Yeah I saw those too, but I still think freediving with large predators is a risky business. We know that great whites go for a specific visual profile, but then again thats not the only way they hunt. They also scavenge whale carcasses, eat large tuna, hunt seals and sealions underwater and so on, and divers do look a bit like sealions, and great whites have attacked people underwater too.

When you get bitten by a two tonne fish , especially when it hits you doing nearly 40 mph, it doesnt really matter if it spits you out or not, youll still be in halves or mashed to a pulp. Those attacks where people get nipped on the head and released are love nips for a great white, and they kill often enough. A genuine ram attack tends to leave you dead first hit, just as if they were expecting you to be a seal. I know too, that most of the attacks reported for great whites are probably tiger sharks or bull sharks ,and that if the shark sees you clearly before commiting to a ram attack your chances or being bitten decrease. People do it for the daringness of it I guess. Its still pretty stupid. Great whites are intelligent despite having a fairly predictable demeanour and feeding pattern, and theres always a chance you might run into one having a bad day...
Post InfoPosted 20-Apr-2006 04:58Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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