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SubscribeToday's my birthday...sharing pics
Fish Addict
LAZY and I don't care :D
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Okay, today is my birthday and I thought I would share some pics with ya! My boss and the other guy I work with gave me a cake and took me to lunch.

Here's me with the boss and the cake:

Here's me with just the cake at my desk....this is where I do all my (well most) posting:

I look kind of crappy for only being 34.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder."
Post InfoPosted 26-Apr-2006 22:40Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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Happy Birthday!

You look great for 34!

Post InfoPosted 26-Apr-2006 22:52Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
LAZY and I don't care :D
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female usa
Thanks!! I don't feel 34... More like 24, but you know how time flies.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder."
Post InfoPosted 26-Apr-2006 23:09Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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Happy Birthday Melissa! I hope it was great!

Post InfoPosted 26-Apr-2006 23:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Happy Birthday! /:'

I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.
~ Mae West
Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 02:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
The Hobnob-lin
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happy birthday! you know you're not supposed to tell us your age even if we ask too late for that now

"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 03:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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Happy B-Day!!!

What else didja get
Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 06:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Happy Birthday


I know human beings and fish can co-exist peacefully.
Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 08:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Well, better late than never: Happy Birthday

I hope I can still have a slice of that cake, or did you folks eat it all already?

And 34 - I wish I was that young again. You haven't even reached your prime yet


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 10:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
LAZY and I don't care :D
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Registered: 26-Aug-2005
female usa
Awww...shucks, thanks y'all!! I had a great birthday dinner. My two best lady firends took me to Red Lobster! Score! I got my crableg dinner! My bud gave me some neat stuff from one of my fav stores...Victoria's Secret! No, it wasn't lingerie....comfy shirts and such. Along with some other stuff. My other bud paid for dinner for all of us...a considerable treat.

I had a blast. We then went to a cool pet store and it was all I could do to keep from purchasing a fish. There was a lonely blue ram by herself (think it was female) in a tank with some Boesmani rainbow fish and some pathetic looking plants. There were several problems with buying her, though, I have no where to put another fish ATM, and I would have wanted to QT her for sure....she looked a little dicey and I sure wouldn't have wanted to wipe out a whole tankful of fish on an impulse purchase. That's when you have to say...."walk away from the fishtanks!" over and over again.

I had a great birthday!! Thanks for the well wishes everyone.

Yes, Ingo there still some cake left.

**sending Ingo a piece of cake through the internet to his home** Yummy!!

"Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder."
Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 15:36Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
The girl's got crabs!
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Happy birthday! *steals some cake*

That is a cool office you have there, is it BYO stuffed cow?

And you look great for 34! I thought "Wow, I thought she was older than that" when i saw the picture, thinking mid/late 20s! I think you are lookin pretty snazzy!

For animals, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks. - Terry Pratchett

Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 19:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
LAZY and I don't care :D
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female usa
Calla....thank you for the age compliment! hehehe Yes, it's bring your own stuffed cows (cute ain't they?) and bring your own Spongebob. I get so much Spongebob stuff from my coworkers it's ridiculous. He's cute though.

**sharing cake with entire FP crew**

"Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder."
Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 20:10Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 18-Jan-2006
female uk
Sorry for it being so late, but happy birthday!
Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 20:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
The Hobnob-lin
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you know, the way your boss is standing there, one could mistake him for being your bf

or is it just me?

"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
Post InfoPosted 28-Apr-2006 00:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
LAZY and I don't care :D
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female usa
It's just you Moondog. He's very happily married with two pretty little girls. He was just standing next to me for the pic. We're pretty good friends, though. I like his wife too. She's works for the City also (City Manager's Secretary) and she called to wish me a happy birthday that day. They're nice people.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder."
Post InfoPosted 28-Apr-2006 03:49Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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female australia
Happy Birthday Melissa!

I know im a bit late.. but better late than never!

hope you had a fabulous day!

send some cake over!

Truth doesn't always win friends but it influences them
Post InfoPosted 28-Apr-2006 06:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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Happy Birthday

-Formerly known as the Ferretfish
Post InfoPosted 30-Apr-2006 04:27Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Happy Birthday!

"Impossumable- unable to play dead"
Post InfoPosted 30-Apr-2006 06:26Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Like a Farmer
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Beautiful Dress Melissa... Looks great on you!
Glad you had a good birthday~~

"it's the neck, it creaks under the weight of too much heavy thinking."
Post InfoPosted 01-May-2006 08:07Profile AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
LAZY and I don't care :D
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Registered: 26-Aug-2005
female usa
Thanks!!! I love that dress, a friend of mine bought it for me in Mexico at one of the little tourist shops we always go to. She couldn't wear it because she can't wear anything sleevless, so she bought it for me so she could live vicariously through me..... Thanks for the compliment!!! /:'

"Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder."
Post InfoPosted 01-May-2006 15:30Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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