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alexandre's Profile

Member ID:9845
Member Name:alexandre
Member Type:Premium
Member Since:15-Apr-2005
Last Visit:29-Mar-2006 08:32
Post Count:28
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Spot's Scandal:He is in a sad state, my Spot. I do not take responsibility for this however as he was grayish and half dead when my sister bought him from the dastardly petstore that is also disease ridden and unkempt. I am currently nursing him back to health and almost all signs of fin rot are gone on him. He is regaining color in his pectoral fins and *I think* on his head, it also appears that the gaping hole-turned tear in his anal fin might be starting to heal as well. He is much more active now and he e
My Babies:I have four hatchet fish (aka Hatchet Fish Mafia), two golden barbs (aka Yellow5 and Yellow6), two split tail goldfish (Alexandre [my fat plant destroyer]and Coach McGuirk [a cute littler one]), a single lonely fantailed thingy that I forget the species of (named Sunny), a little black molly (aka Shadow), a placostomus (aka El Byro), and 3 ghost shrimp (Aunt Jemima, Sparky, and Shylock), and (seperately) a betta named Spot.
My Scandal:I am quite the mold-breaker with my shocking collection. Well, maybe not, but I am ever so daring as to have goldfish AND tropical fish in the same tank AT THE SAME TIME. I kid you not... everyone warned me against it and told me the dire tails of ammonia and whatnot... but all is well in my tank!
My Tank And Bowl:20 gallon freshwater tank with biowheel filtration, heater, and thermometer. I use regular tan gravel and i have this log looking decoration for the fishies to play around in... it has a couple of fake plants on it that i kind of hate, but my fat cow of a goldfish ate my live plants, so it is all the green that is in there for now. Also, I have a gallon bowl for my betta, and another gallon bowl available for quarantine.
The Spot Miracle:As I would love to take full credit for bringing Spot back from death's doorstep (he was a-knockin') I feel that I must endorse and condemn the products that I attempted to cure him with. First, the condemnation as it was a total waste of my four dollars and time and it was the first thing I tried: Aquarium Products Plus+ Anti-Fungus with Malachite Green. I don't know if it was because spot didn't have fungus or what, but all this stuff did was turn the water quite green. NOW THE ENDORSEMENT: m


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