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maximadriver's Profile

Member ID:8160
Member Name:maximadriver
Member Type:Premium
Member Since:02-Nov-2004
Last Visit:25-Mar-2007 21:36
Post Count:28
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Lowdown On Me:i am a beginner. i have been at a petsmart for like 1 - 1 1/2 hrs a night looking at stuff before getting anything. girl there said she liked me becuase i wasn't affraid to experiment with the fish. lol. would not recommend dwarf puffers with too many fish. not with the fin nipping anyways. got 2 snails with the last batch of plants and they seemed to like eating them to death. didn't pay for the snails, and asked for them with the plants purposely to feed the puffers. so as long as they don
Plants:have multiple plants in the tank. the 2 female puffers liked to hang out in them. got more to hide the hampster tube i bought for a cave for the eel. tank is deffinately enhanced by the live plants. also have some fake ones
Casualties:i have had the following casualties in my tank
2 glassfish
1 red betta - looked like he was half eaten at the fins
1 dwarf red fire gourami - not sure what killed him
1 african brown knife - died over x-mas
3 clown loaches - also died over x-mas.
1 dwarf puffer - he stopped eating and i guess starved to death
Fin Nipping:I think the dwarf puffers are 2 female and one male. the male seems to be a fin nipper. one gourami is smaller than the other, the neon. he gets picked on by the red fire. some of his tail is missing. not sure if its' due entirely to the dwarf puffer fin nipping or also from the other gouramis running it off every time it goes into thier area. sometiems he chases them out, but not too often
Setup:29 Gallon Tank
1 red fire dwarf gourami
1 powder blue dwarf gourami
1 neon blue dwarf gourami
2 dwarf puffers
1 pictus catfish
1 peacock eel


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