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peterprawn's Profile

Member ID:9570
Member Name:peterprawn
Member Type:Premium
Member Since:16-Mar-2005
Last Visit:29-Mar-2006 08:32
Post Count:5
Average Posts Per Day:0
Status:Small Fry
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Pets:Aquatic Pets: Blue Prawn, ghost shrimp, fiddler crabs, thai devil crab, koi, goldfish, and ofcourse, a betta. I'm going to try to start up a cichlid tank.

Birds: African Grey Parrot, male eclectus parrot, Idian ringneck parakeet, budgies, cockatiel, doves, pigeons, finches (a lot of them).

3 domestic shorthair cats
1 german/labrador mix
1 rose tarantula
1 gecko
Peter The Prawn:Peter is my Blue Prawn. He is about 6 inches long and he loves eating rosy red minnows constantly. Hes very messy, but hes my baby so I don't mind cleaning him all the time or buying him fish every week.
Occupation:As you can see I'm obsessed with animals. Maybe a lil too much for my own good, but I dont mind the extra cleaning and love. I work at a parrot shop and enjoy it very much.. I gotta say, I learn sumthin new everytime I work there. My boss is the bomb
Me:My name is Christine. I am a sophomore in high school. I'm 16 years old


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