Apistogramma viejita
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Apistogramma viejita

Common Names:
Family: Cichlidae
Category: Cichlids
Distribution: America - South; Various rivers in Colombia.
Main Ecosystem: River; River
Temperament: Peaceful; Peacefull. Mix with other community fish.
Diet: Carnivore; Carnivore
Care: Feed live foods for best coloration. Flake is also accepted. Prefer to be kept in a tank with dense vegetation and lots of bogwood.
5.5 - 7
23°C - 28°C
73°F - 82°F
2 dH - 7 dH
Potential Size: Male: 8cm (3.1")
Female: 5cm (2")
Water Region: Middle, Bottom; Middle-Bottom
Activity: Diurnal; Diurnal
Gender: Males are bigger, and have red on their body. Females are yellow.
Breeding: Feed live foods to condition the pair. Apistogramma viejita spawn on bogwood, broad leafed plants, and in upturned clay pots. The female will guard the eggs and fry, while the male guards his territory. Several females can be kept with one male. And more than one male can be kept together as long as there is enough room for each to establish their own territory.
Variants: There are 3 color variations of this fish available, the common viejita, the viejita II, and the viejita III. The 3 variants occupy different rivers in Columbia. Their main distinction is that the male viejita II contains more red spots in the body than the common viejita, and the viejita III contains even more red than the viejita II.
Comments: A rather easy to keep fish of the Apisto family. These fish are not too demanding on the hobbyist, to keep, or to breed. They fit nicely in a community tank, that has enough area for them to have a territory.
Main Colours: Black, Red, Yellow
Markings: Mottled
Mouth: Normal
Tail: Convex
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Image Credit: LITTLE_FISH
Submitted By: Mez
Contributors: LITTLE_FISH
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