Lamprologus ocellatus
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Lamprologus ocellatus

Common Names:
Synonyms: Julidochromis ocellatus
Neolamprolagus ocellatus
Family: Cichlidae
Category: Cichlids
Distribution: Africa; Lake Tanganyika, Africa.
Main Ecosystem: Rift Lake; Rift Lake
Temperament: Territorial; Aggressive and territorial.
Diet: Ominvore; Ominvore
Care: Live and frozen foods will be relished, though flake is also consumed greedily. Hard water, a high pH, and lots of shells are a must for this fish. There should be two shells per fish.
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10 dH - 20 dH
Potential Size: Male: 6cm (2.4")
Female: 6cm (2.4")
Water Region: Middle, Bottom; Middle-Bottom
Activity: Diurnal; Diurnal
Gender: This species is not impossible to sex. Males of the same age are larger. Females often have white-tipped dorsal fins and sometimes white-tipped anal fins. With practice, the easiest way to sex this species is facial shape; the female has a much shorter "snout" to go with her smaller body. Females, particularly of the "gold" varieties, are often brighter than males.
Breeding: Not hard. Select 5 fish to ensure a pair. A tank of at least 15 gallons should be used if you wish to keep the remaining fish alive. A single pair will do fine in 5 gallons of water. Eggs are laid in the shell, and fry can be seen at the mouth of the shell, with the parents close by. When breeding, Lamprologus ocellatus are fearless, and will attack and kill fish much larger than them.
Comments: A great shell dweller, but a very aggressive fish.
Main Colours:
Markings: Not Specified
Mouth: Not Specified
Tail: Not Specified
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Image Credit: littlemousling
Submitted By: Mez
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