Neolamprologus caudopunctatus
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Neolamprologus caudopunctatus

Common Names: Caudopunk
Synonyms: Lamprologus caudopunctatus
Family: Cichlidae
Category: Cichlids
Distribution: Africa; Africa
Main Ecosystem: Rift Lake; Endemic to Lake Tanganyika
Temperament: Territorial; Territorial
Diet: Carnivore; Zooplankton
Care: N. caudopunctatus, commonly called Caudopunks or punks, are a semi-shelldweller. They prefer to live in rocks and caves primarily but will need shells to spawn in. Create significant rockwork but also leave floorspace, not just for shells but for the punks' favorite habit: parading about the tank, fins spread. Given the lovely yellow dorsal fins, iridescent flanks, and subtly blue ventrals of this species, that parade is always worth watching. Different locations and varieties of the species hav
7.5 - 9
22°C - 25°C
72°F - 77°F
10 dH - 20 dH
Potential Size: Male: 6.5cm (2.6")
Female: 6.5cm (2.6")
Water Region: Middle, Bottom; Middle-Bottom
Activity: Diurnal; Particularly deep sleepers that often tank a quarter of an hour to wake up fully
Gender: Males are larger and often have yellow-orange tips to their caudal fins. However, caudos are not sure things to sex, and it's best to buy a group and let them choose up pairs.
Breeding: Caudopunks generally spawn in shells, though some pairs will choose caves and nearly any pair will spawn in a cave if no shells are provided. However, restricting shells is not recommended; spawning in shells is a part of their natural behavior and should be allowed for.
Pair fish, a trio may tolerate each other for some time but generally the additional fish will be kicked out sooner or later.
Punk spawns are larger than those of most shelldwellers, generally between 40 and 50 fry. The fry ar
Comments: The name "caudopunctatus" means spotted tail fin. It is indeed spotted but this is far from the most noticeable aspect of this show-off fish.
Main Colours: White, Yellow, Brown
Markings: No Markings
Mouth: Normal
Tail: Flat
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Image Credit: ;LittleMousling
Submitted By: littlemousling
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