Photo Gallery for Rocio octofasciatum

WhiSpering Rain
Cichlid Master Male and Female Jacks. The Female is on the left.
illest This guy has had a rough life ;(
WhiSpering Rain
illest 10 Gallon Studio Apt...
illest Finally risked putting him in with my oscar...they seem to be ok..with the ocasional territory check...His colors have came back drastically...
wetandhappy 4" Very Colorful Male Jack, by wetandhappy
WhiSpering Rain
BILLFISH Juvenile male Jack Dempsey
JonPaul1974 A friends Jack Dempsey being moody as usual
WhiSpering Rain
stAtIkxsMale JD. 3in.
MacFishElectric Blue Jack Dempsey @ just under 5". Most likely female
MacFishElectric Blue Jack Dempsey @ about 3.25"

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