Gnathonemus petersii
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Gnathonemus petersii

Common Names: Elephantnose
Peter's elephantnose
Synonyms: Mormyrus petersii
Family: Mormyridae
Category: OthersFW
Distribution: Africa; Western Africa.
Main Ecosystem: River; River
Temperament: Territorial; Young Elephantnose are timid, but become territorial as they grow larger and become accustomed to their surroundings. Only one Elephantnose should be kept per tank as the weaker fish will be harassed.
Diet: Ominvore; Ominvore
Care: Feed mainly live foods such as mosquito larvae, blood worms, and brine shrimp. Flakes are sometimes accepted, though rarely from the surface. The Elephantnose uses electrical pulses to navigate, so other electric fish such as the Black Ghost Knifefish should not be kept together in a small aquarium. Fine gravel or sand is required as the Elephantnose will burrow when looking for food. Hiding places amoung roots and rocks are recommended.
6 - 8
22°C - 28°C
72°F - 82°F
5 dH - 20 dH
Potential Size: Male: 35.6cm (14")
Female: 35.6cm (14")
Water Region: Bottom; Bottom
Activity: Nocturnal; Nocturnal
Gender: Very difficult to determine. The anal fin of the male is slightly more convex than that of the female.
Breeding: Has not been bred in captivity.
Comments: The Elephantnose is nocturnal and may be suceptible to photoshock if not maintainted with plenty of available cover. Those using sufficient wattages to grow plants should make an effort to graduate or stagger lighting as it comes on. Thanks to its navigational electrical senses this fish should not be exposed to electrical souces like televisions or stereos in close range. Some specimens can become stressed by the static, vibration, and electrical emissions given off by less efficient tank equipment, and smoother running pumps and aerators will be appreciated.

This is a mormyrid, and the whole genera are very vulnerable to medications that include copper and formalin. A uv steriliser will prevent many diseases that they cannot consequently be treated for. Their inclusion into community should be carefully considered as their immune systems fail easily if under stress. Often they suffer immuno supression as a result of a monotypic diet of bloodworm, owners should make persistant efforts to introduce them to as many different wormy foods as possible.In every sense with these species, prevention is better than cure. This is not a fish for the beginner, most specimens die prematurely due to inconsiderate care and disease.

When acquiring new specimens acclimate them slowly, giving them ample time to get used to the tank temperatures and water values, this fish has been known to die of shock when exposed to radically changing water values. Appreciates blackwater conditions that may assist in viral prevention.

Despite the large adult size, this fish does not do well in company with aggressive fish like cichlids , against which it has no defence.
Main Colours: Black, Brown
Markings: Mottled
Mouth: Downturned
Tail: Forked
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Image Credit: ©
Submitted By: Adam
Contributors: gnr4ever8794, longhairedgit
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