Tetraodon nigroviridis
Common Names: | Spotted Green Puffer |
Synonyms: | Chelonodon nigroviridis Tetrodon nigroviridis |
Family: | Tetraodontidae |
Category: | OthersFW |
Distribution: | Asia; Sri Lanka to China. |
Main Ecosystem: | River; River |
Temperament: | Aggressive; Agressive. |
Diet: | Carnivore; Carnivore |
Care: | Although often sold as a brackish or freshwater fish, this species requires full saltwater conditions as an adult to really thrive. Feed ghost shrimp, snails, tubifex worms, bloodworms, and krill. Has been known to eat some plant matter. All puffers should be fed shelled food once a week to keep the growth of their teeth under control. Prefers hard alkaline water. |
pH: |
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Potential Size: | Male: 17cm (6.7") Female: 17cm (6.7") |
Water Region: | Middle, Bottom; Middle-Bottom |
Activity: | Diurnal; Diurnal |
Gender: | No sexual dimorphism. |
Breeding: | Hard to accomplish and appears to be entirely independant of the caretaker of the tank. They breed, or don't, for no apparant reason. |
Variants: |
Comments: | This species will not do well for an extended period in freshwater conditions. They need high end brackish water to full marine conditions as they grow. People who have kept them this way have had them live for well over 10 years. Although it is peaceful for a puffer, it should still be kept in a species tank. |
Main Colours: | Yellow, Black, White |
Markings: | Spots Small |
Mouth: | Normal |
Tail: | Flat |
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Image Credit: | ;AggieMarine |
Submitted By: | AggieMarine |
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