Toxotes jaculatrix
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Toxotes jaculatrix

Common Names: Archerfish
Sciaena jaculatrix
Family: Toxotidae
Category: OthersFW
Distribution: Australia; In fresh and brackish mangroves of Northern Australia and South Eastern Asia.
Main Ecosystem: River; River
Temperament: Predatory; Predatory towards smaller surface fish. Otherwise generally peaceful towards tankmates. It is recommended that the Archerfish be kept in a small school though a very large aquarium would be required.
Diet: Carnivore; Carnivore
Care: In the wild the Archerfish feeds exclusively on small insects that it shoots down from plants by spitting a stream of water. In an aquarium the Archerfish can be trained to shoot down insect placed between the water and the glass lid. They can also be trained to take live and frozen worms. Flake food is sometimes accepted but will not provide sufficient protien. A large surface area is recommended, though the aquarium need not be deep. Primarily a brackish water species, a mature Archerfish will
7.2 - 8
25°C - 30°C
77°F - 86°F
Potential Size: Male: 30cm (11.8")
Female: 30cm (11.8")
Water Region: Surface; Surface
Activity: Diurnal; Diurnal
Gender: Not possible to determine.
Breeding: The Archerfish has not been bred in an aquarium.
Variants: As of recently, this species can be found in a gold color morph, which also lacks the usual vertical bands.
Comments: The Archerfish posseses the ability to compensate for refraction at the surface of the water. The maximum distance of an accurate shot of water is thought to be 1.5 metres (5 feet).
Main Colours: Silver, Yellow, Black
Markings: Not Specified
Mouth: Upturned
Tail: Flat
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Image Credit: ©
Submitted By: Adam
Contributors: zachf92
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