Zebrasoma xanthurum
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Zebrasoma xanthurum

Common Names: Purple Sailfin Tang
Purple Tang
Yellowtail Sailfin Tang
Yellowtail Surgeonfish
Yellowtail Tang
Synonyms: Zebrasoma xanthurus
Family: Acanthuridae
Category: Acanthuroids
Distribution: Indo Pacific; Indo-Pacific
Main Ecosystem: Reef; Reef
Temperament: Territorial; Territorial
Diet: Herbivore; Herbivore
Care: Not a very difficult fish to care for, as long as there is good water, plenty of light and abundant hiding space. Herbivores in the wild, the Purple Tang will graze on any filamentous algae but will also accept prepared foods, dried or frozen. A variety of foods is strongly recommended. A beta-carotene supplement is advised to stave off lateral line disease. This fish tends to be very aggressive towards other tangs, do not attempt to add another tang, especially with similar body type, into
24°C - 28°C
75°F - 82°F
Specific Gravity:
1.02 - 1.027
Potential Size: Male: 25cm (9.8")
Female: 25cm (9.8")
Water Region: All; All
Activity: Diurnal; Diurnal
Gender: No distinguishing features.
Breeding: Generally lives singly, but spawns in a group. Generally not possible in captivity.
Main Colours: Purple, Yellow
Markings: Striped And Spotted
Mouth: Normal
Tail: Convex
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Image Credit: terranova
Submitted By: bishopolis
Contributors: sirbooks, terranova
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