Centropyge flavissimus
Common Names: | Lemonpeel Angelfish |
Synonyms: | Holacanthus flavissimus |
Family: | Pomacanthidae |
Category: | Pomacanthidae |
Distribution: | Indo Pacific; Scattered reef areas in the tropical central to western Pacific; Hawaii, Australia, New Guinea, Philippines, Indian Ocean, Christmas islands and Guam |
Main Ecosystem: | Reef; Reef |
Temperament: | Timid; Dwarf angels are known prey items for many larger reef fishes. Which explains their inquisitive and alert behaviour. Placing these fish with larger predatory species should be avoided (ie: Groupers/Bass, Lionfish, Triggers). Correspondingly, smaller docile tankmates should be avoided. As they will tend to get chased around the tank regularly. Although many keepers have successfully housed Lemon Peel angels with smaller species, caution should still be considered. Dwarf angels are best introduced into communities last or close to it. |
Diet: | Herbivore; Herbivore |
Care: | Lemon Peel angels much like all angelfish, are constant and voracious feeders. They will sample anything and everything placed within the tank, including corals. Caution should be used when considering placing an angel in a reef system tank, as their constant nibbling can reduce a prized coral into tatters in a short amount of time. Featherdusters, anemones, clams and other shellfish are regular targets for angels. |
pH: |
Temperature: |
Specific Gravity: |
Potential Size: | Male: 14cm (5.5") Female: 14cm (5.5") |
Water Region: | Middle; Middle |
Activity: | Diurnal; Diurnal |
Gender: | As with other dwarf angels they are synchronous protogynic hermaphrodites. They start out sexually undifferentiated, develop into females, and with environmental influences will develop into males. Males are typically larger. |
Breeding: | The species has been bred in captivity with some young being raised to small size. |
Variants: |
Comments: | Minimum tank size: 30 gallons. |
Main Colours: | Yellow, Blue |
Markings: | No Markings |
Mouth: | Normal |
Tail: | Convex |
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Image Credit: | ;Dan |
Submitted By: | Dan |
Contributors: | Racso, sirbooks |
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