Holacanthus bermudensis
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Holacanthus bermudensis

Common Names: Blue Angelfish
Synonyms: Holacanthus ciliaris bermudensis
Family: Pomacanthidae
Category: Pomacanthidae
Distribution: Atlantic - West; Patchy distribution in the tropical west Atlantic.
Main Ecosystem: Reef; Reef
Temperament: Active; Less docile than their dwarf cousins, angels in the Holaanthus species are very inquisitive and should not be kept with smaller species. The rule of thumb being if a fish can fit within its mouth, then it may become prey.
Diet: Ominvore; Ominvore
Care: Not recommended for beginners, they should be placed in a well established tank, with a healthy supply of liverock. Dried flakes, frozen foods, and regular greens and algae should be supplied. Blue angels are similar to other angels they are constant and voracious feeders. They will sample anything and everything placed within the tank, including corals. Caution should be used when considering placing an angel in a reef system. Featherdusters, anemones, clams and other shellfish are regular targ
24°C - 28°C
75°F - 82°F
Specific Gravity:
1.022 - 1.026
Potential Size: Male: 40cm (15.7")
Female: 40cm (15.7")
Water Region: Middle; Middle
Activity: Diurnal; Diurnal
Gender: Males are typically larger.
Breeding: None known
Comments: Often confused with the Queen angelfish, the most prominent distinction between the two is that the during the juvenile stage Queen angelfish will have their mid-striping slightly bent.
Main Colours: Yellow, Blue, Brown
Markings: Striped Vertical
Mouth: Normal
Tail: Convex
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Image Credit: ;Dan
Submitted By: Dan
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