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  L# Sexing Honey Dwarf Gouramis
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SubscribeSexing Honey Dwarf Gouramis
Posts: 86
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Registered: 28-May-2004
male usa
i currently have one and im trying to get another so that they pair up.
Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2007 06:39Profile PM Edit Report 
Joe Potato
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male usa us-northcarolina
EditedEdited by Joe Potato
The one of the best ways of determining gourami gender is by looking at the dorsal fin. Mature males will end in a pretty sharp point, females will be rounded off.

Unfortunately, female dwarf gouramis can be difficult to find in the fish trade (to the point where I've never even SEEN a live one), as they're normally not as brightly colored as males and therefore are less desirable to the average fishkeeper. You may have to order them special.

Hope it works out for you.

Joe Potato


Just to show you some pics of fin differences:


Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2007 08:30Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Registered: 21-Aug-2005
male uk
Cant really miss the differences in that species of gourami, if you cant find any females in the LFS its probably because (as incredible and stupid as it may seem) a lot of shops dont bother to stock the females. They arent so colourful and dont sell so well.
Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2007 09:50Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 86
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Registered: 28-May-2004
male usa
all right thanks guys. im going to try my LFS and if they dont sell them im going to use the internet.
Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2007 23:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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