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  L# Planted 12 Gallon Eclipse Tank
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SubscribePlanted 12 Gallon Eclipse Tank
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Registered: 28-May-2004
male usa
EditedEdited by haRg0wbOi
hey everyone just wondering if anyone has any experience with growing plants in this tank. wattage is 13 and K rating is 50k.
Post InfoPosted 19-Feb-2007 10:34Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 28-Dec-2002
male usa us-colorado
With many earlier posts, we suggested tossing the bulb
and using a screwin Compact Flourscent bulb. It was rated
at 6700K and did a suburb job for both plants and fish.

In this aquarium, Eclipse seems to have taken suggestions
to heart, and according to the ad I just read for the 12G
tank, it contains a Compact Flourscent bulb.

I'd give it a try as it is and see how it does. Stick with
low to medium light plants.


-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 19-Feb-2007 15:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-May-2004
male usa
EditedEdited by haRg0wbOi
how does it work? would i need a different type of light fixture?

i went out couple weeks ago and bought a similar bulb to the one that came with the tank. it was rated 27k but when i popped it in the bulb would just blink. the bulbs im using have 2 tubes.
Post InfoPosted 15-Mar-2007 00:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
DeletedPosted 15-Mar-2007 00:15
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Registered: 28-Dec-2002
male usa us-colorado
Here is the ad that I checked on:

Is this the one? The ad says that bulb is a 50,000K
compact fluorescent bulb. Personally, I would not use
the bulb on a freshwater planted tank. The "K" rating is
too high. 50,000K is more for a saltwater reef tank.
I would try to find one that was the same size but around
a 6700-8800K bulb.

If the light just blinks on and off there is the possibility
that it is not correctly seated in the sockets, the bulb
is defective, or the ballast is going bad.


-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 15-Mar-2007 07:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 20-Nov-2006
male usa
All the new Eclipse systems are comming with floresent bulbs. However, the lid I have on my 15g, same size for a 12g, have room for 2x 15w bulbs. The newest hoods can only handle 1x 15w bulb. I guess that they figure this should be suffient lighting for most plants. They are partally right since a 12 tank is 1 foot tall.
Just wanted to make you aware of the change that Marineland has done to the new hoods. Guess I am one of the lucky ones with an out of date hood.

Oh and I almost forgot, they changed the starters too. The starters that I have with my hood resemble the mercury tubes on the old thermostates in the house. $25 a piece Marineland wants for one of those 15cent staters. The new hoods use regualer GE starters, 22C I think, anyways they are only $3 for 2 at the local Home Depot.

"There is also a Clown Pleco in this tank some where. I am telling you, HE IS IN HERE."
Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2007 06:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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