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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Tetra Talk
  L# Red Eye Tetras
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SubscribeRed Eye Tetras
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Registered: 31-Mar-2007
female usa
Hi I have had 1 red eye tetra for about 2-3 years.I knew they were schooling fish,and today I gave in to sympathy.S/He is full grown.I bought Race[my red eye] 4 small red eyes for a nice little school.I am curious for some info.Will they breed at all?Will Race pick on them[he tends to be mellow]? Any other info is great.THNX!!!!!!


Yup. I'm that crazy Twilight/animal/music girl
Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2007 22:55Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
EditedEdited by sham
The original tetra should get along with the new ones fine. They may spawn but whether you'll get any fry is entirely different. Tetras are egg scatterers. While they may lay their eggs over plants they don't really lay them in a group, try to hide them much, or protect them. They will actually eat their own eggs and so will any other fish in the tank. Even if the eggs survive the fry will also be eaten as soon as they hatch. You really need 2 seperate tanks setup to either move the adults or the eggs into so they don't get eaten. The fry also will need very small food for awhile. Baby brine shrimp are the most common food used for small fry so you'll also need to setup a shrimp hatchery. Getting tetras to spawn is usually the easy part. Actually getting the offspring from egg to adult is the hard part.
Post InfoPosted 03-Jun-2007 00:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 31-Mar-2007
female usa
O.K. how do I sex them??

Yup. I'm that crazy Twilight/animal/music girl
Post InfoPosted 03-Jun-2007 02:32Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 21-Apr-2004
female usa
Determining gender can be another difficulty with breeding some tetras. You have to wait till they are mature to tell. Females will be larger and fatter than males. Males will usually be more streamlined and a little smaller. I don't think there are any differences in color or finnage for red eyes.
Post InfoPosted 03-Jun-2007 02:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 31-Mar-2007
female usa
Thanks! I think that "Race" is female 'cause she's awfully fat.If I were to set up a breeding tank for them[once the little guys are mature] and they bred,would I take away the parents and then watch over the babies?How many eggs?Could I raise them on "Hikari's first bites"?How long till they hatch?How long after breeding untill momma lays the eggs?
Thanks a bunch

Yup. I'm that crazy Twilight/animal/music girl
Post InfoPosted 03-Jun-2007 13:57Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 31-Mar-2007
female usa
One of my new ones died.

Yup. I'm that crazy Twilight/animal/music girl
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2007 21:51Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
Da...Dum .. Da...Dum
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male australia
Shadow , sorry to hear about your loss . Always tough
Let us know how the others are going and if you can get them to breed .

Chin up
Post InfoPosted 06-Jun-2007 12:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 31-Mar-2007
female usa
Everyone else is GREAT

It will be awhile before I try to spawn,as the new ones are no more than a few months old.

Yup. I'm that crazy Twilight/animal/music girl
Post InfoPosted 06-Jun-2007 21:42Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 31-Mar-2007
female usa
School is now up to 8.May be getting more tomorrow.They are in my 75 gallon,the school will eventually get up to 15 and I'm thinking about 15 cardinals as well,would hatchets be compatable?

Yup. I'm that crazy Twilight/animal/music girl
Post InfoPosted 05-Sep-2007 02:23Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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