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major help needed
ok, i have alwats had trouble setting up a good tank, it either looks un-natural, or like the bottom of a lake i want a good tank, somthing i can be...
fishyhelper288506-Dec-2004 20:35
Aquascaping Opinions...
This is my 18Gal... Im trying to create a nice looking reasonably planted tank, im not 100% happy so thought i'd post some pics and get some construct...
chrism606-Dec-2004 17:54
Help me with my design!
I'm getting a 55 gallon tank for Christmas (Yaaaay!!). The details of this design and my ideas/a rough draft of how I want it to look is here: www.zoo...
smantzer1505-Dec-2004 07:18
PLEASE help me out with my 29g :) (UPDATE!!)
Ok, so, I've been working on my 29 gallon and I just feel like I'm MISSING something! or multiple things. Somebody wanna help me? I would like to fi...
devon71304-Dec-2004 22:50
Looking For: Contest Judges Needed
Those interested in judging the next contest should send me a PM thru the board. To be a judge you must: ~Have access to a computer with MS excel on...
Babelfish1404-Dec-2004 07:37
Wanting To Plant My 5 1/2 Gallon
Hello everybody. I have a 5 1/2 gallon, HOB filter, 3 zebra danios, 2 WCMM, 1 otto, 1 cory. Not heated. Right now its just decorated with a few silk a...
MegTheFish1003-Dec-2004 11:51
Sandy Tank
i'm considering swapping the substrate in my tropical tank from gravel to sand. i know this sounds like a stupid question but i was wondering how i ac...
lou530-Nov-2004 09:30
Sand, how much and what kind?
I want to use sand in my next tank (20-30 gals0. I want to have enough to anchor faux plants. Whats a good, inexpensive type of sand to get and how mu...
katieb529-Nov-2004 23:38
Substrate Q
I'm going to be planting my 30 Gal. tank when it is ready. I know there are substrates made especially for plants, but I find them ugly. Can I mix pla...
Psyhampster1029-Nov-2004 18:02
10g -A Little More Work Done
Ok, did a little more work on my 10g. Its starting to come along. Still working on the algae problem. Heres the pic from Last Week! [link=Pic from L...
So_Very_Sneaky029-Nov-2004 14:56
updated - no rocks or plant background
any better? ideas? EDIT: ignore the 2 feeding stones and the orange slice Callatya attached this image: [img]
Callatya1028-Nov-2004 18:23
I am trying to put up my backround on my 90 gallon tank using vegetable oil. What is the best way to get the bubbles off? We are trying to use credit...
fishnewbie725-Nov-2004 16:33
Heavily planted
Mkay... heavily planted tanks, really rocky tanks, etc... how the crap do you vacuum the gravel?! I keep sucking up my plants on accident...and what a...
smantzer225-Nov-2004 09:41
Before and After
[font color="#800080"]Well, I decided to let my Angels free for a few months. Perhaps they will be more interested in raising their eggs up when they...
So_Very_Sneaky425-Nov-2004 09:33
10g - Creative Criticisms wanted
[font color="#800080"] Hey there I recently bought a new plant (Rotala Indica) for my 10g, and decided to clean it up a bit. Am looking for some creat...
So_Very_Sneaky1225-Nov-2004 00:58
Planting Plan for a 125 Gallon
Who wants to help? Bride has bought me a new 125 gallon tank. I intend to set it up as a planted tank. I will have two triple tube T8 All-Glass fixtu...
Bob Wesolowski924-Nov-2004 20:48
drift wood, what now??
I purchased 2 peices of driftwood last weekend and as they were too big to put in a pan or anything to boil them, i put them in a big bucket and filed...
fan fan324-Nov-2004 18:47
setting up a 55 gallon
Pages: 1, 2
Okeedokee, so I have decided to upgrade to a 55 gallon tank, am probably getting it either tonight or tomorrow. I know that I want this tank to have...
jenbabe2562422-Nov-2004 16:36
Cloudy tank
I recently set up a 29 and decided to use sand as the substrate. I rinsed the sand repeatedly as instructed until the water was clear. WellI placed...
cichlidiot221-Nov-2004 10:03
How can I make a sand pit look decent?
I got a cup of very fine sand from a friend so I could make a sandpit for my bottomfeeders (cories, ottos, and a baby flounder). Right now I've got...
poisonwaffle814-Nov-2004 18:02
help with tank
i was just wondering if anyone could tell me what kind of things would make my tank .look heaps better, but saying that, anything on a small budget is...
fan fan1114-Nov-2004 10:30
sea spnge in FW tanks
is it possible to put sea sponges (found on the beach) into a normal FW tank?? can you treat them at all ?? or would they continue to break down and p...
fan fan313-Nov-2004 09:52
Terracotta pots
Howdy all, I got some terracotta pots cheap recently from my local hardware store and was wanting to put them in my tank. What sort of preperation do...
xxxx813-Nov-2004 07:45
info on a sandy bottom
This Christmas we're planning on purchasing a 75gl so the guys in the 55gl have a little more room. Our lfs has several tanks set up with sand instea...
bmcelfresh1512-Nov-2004 21:53
What is Vine Root?
Hello there guys, I was researching about aquascaping the last couple of months to try some techniques on my tank I really need to do some work in my...
necio412-Nov-2004 16:47
Space tank
I wanted a space themed tank for ages, and I finally found all the bits I need [link=]http://geocities...
Puggle909-Nov-2004 18:04
Driftwood Soaking and Putting in Tank
My new driftwood piece has been soaking for 24 hours. I understand it should soak for at least a week?? With my other tank, I think I did not soak i...
rasboramary909-Nov-2004 18:01
Contact paper
Just wanted to let everyone know about something I had done to my tanks a couple of months ago, which has worked out very well, so I thought i'd share...
Nick608-Nov-2004 07:19
How can I make the tank look really good? *UPDATED WITH NEW PICS*
[img] setup 027.jpg[/img] Here is the link since i cant post pictures: setup 027.jpg (you...
victimizati0n1407-Nov-2004 07:12
freshly dug up roots?
I was wondering; this weekend my dad will be uprooting his birch tree. I asked him to save the root part for me, to try out in a tank. I've got a 95 g...
tinfoil406-Nov-2004 20:48
newly planted 10g
My last tank went planted this past weekend The '...
Theresa_M706-Nov-2004 18:21
Help plan new layout - please!
Pages: 1, 2
My 125 is starting to come together the way I want it to but it still needs some improvement, so I'm looking for suggestions. Here's the tank now (not...
littlemousling2505-Nov-2004 13:57
Aquascaping Contest Results & Poll
The poll is going to be a little different this time around.... Vote for your favorite catagory, then in your responce list your pick of the tanks, a...
Babelfish1503-Nov-2004 12:34
specks on wood?
i have white specks all over the drift wood the size of a . is it bad???? Last edited by resle at 02-Nov-2004 21:58 [/sma...
resle103-Nov-2004 07:25
where to put the wood and plants
This is my last unplanted tank. I've been slowly adding flourite to the existing gravel, and by the end of the month should have my 'low light plant a...
Theresa_M431-Oct-2004 21:57
wat do i have to do to make them aquarium safe if they are from the beach...
Alex230-Oct-2004 23:31
putting rocks in tank.
(im not really sure if this is the right thread for this to be in so feel free to move it) i was just wondering what kind of rocks can go in tanks an...
fan fan227-Oct-2004 16:52
Lead Crystal??
My husband gave me a beautiful ruby colored diamond shaped lead crystal. I was wondering if it would be safe to put in my aquarium??? Not sure I wan...
blacksheep727-Oct-2004 05:38
Which substrate to use?
Hello everyone,<br><br>I have a 30 gal tank with koi, gold & perl danios ( 2 each).<br>I used white pebbles from riverbed, makin...
bharatk624-Oct-2004 09:15
Aquascaping help There's the tank. Plea...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles1023-Oct-2004 23:02
Question about Contest Results
- How long until decisions are to be made over the contest results? Last edited by Babelfish at 15-Oct-2004 08:51 [/small...
SuperMummy!421-Oct-2004 10:35
rocks,plants and gravel for my tank...
Hello..iam soon getting my 100L tank and i will have these fish:6-8 Cherry barbs,6-8 5banded barbs and 2-4 ottos. What i would like to know is what pl...
Rob1619220-Oct-2004 03:33
OMG Aquascaping Entries are Amazing!!!
[font color="#800080"] I just wanted to say, I just looked at all the tanks entered in this seasons Aquascaping Contest, and I have to say to all wh...
So_Very_Sneaky814-Oct-2004 13:40
Freshwater Oceans
I was just reading an article in a recent aquarium magazine that talked about a unique idea for aquascaping a freshwater tank. You can check out the...
PeaceB2U1010-Oct-2004 10:02
How to keep plants in ground?
How do you go about keeping live plants in the gravel. No matter what I do, they are always floating by the next day. Any suggestions?...
jenbabe256908-Oct-2004 19:24
I'm getting a 55 gallon for Christmas. I had wanted to make it have a sand substrate. I was just wondering what kind of sand I should get and how to...
jenbabe256406-Oct-2004 16:29
AHHHHHHH!!! questions about the contest
ive been gone a long... long.... long.... time due to school. can some one fill me in on whats happening with the contesT? can i still enter? cause m...
Azn_Devil305-Oct-2004 01:46
Aquascaping Judges?
Who are the judges for the aquascaping contest?...
SuperMummy!230-Sep-2004 00:19
brown algae and silk plants
Argh!! I can't seem to get the brown algae off my silk plants!! I can clean it off, but obviously I'm leaving some of it on there, because it grows...
andrea529-Sep-2004 17:21
Malawian Tank
I have 55 gallon tank and i was wondering what are some good tips on making it more e to a malawian species fish, So far I got 3 slate rocks to ma...
Graphite228-Sep-2004 14:57
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