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In the process of changing substrate...need help!
I wanted to change the substrate in my 30 gallon tank from medium rocks to Flora ba se. I got a 20 gallon plastic tub and filled it up with the water f...
fish007408-Nov-2005 03:49
Working my way towards planted
I decided I was tired of looking at a [link=nearly empty tank]
Skeletaljosh607-Nov-2005 22:19
Making a cave
Hi, I am in the process of setting up my new aquarium. The tank is 8' long, 30" wide and 24" high, 300 gallons. The tank will be heavily planted with...
spyder807-Nov-2005 17:58
10 gal planted
hey i'd just like some basic do's and dont's on a planted tank i'm going with a 10 gal for starters and would like to know some good hardy plants that...
deschazkody204-Nov-2005 03:38
Sweet Planted tanks!!
I just found these guys. There are some pretty sweet tanks.... WOW...
Wingsdlc1203-Nov-2005 19:27
Pictures of my 40 gal.
Planted 40 gallon Ok here is the deal. I have quite a few pictures up at this...
Wingsdlc903-Nov-2005 01:44
just re-set up my dads 20 gal hex freshwater
hey guys heres my dads a pearl gourami, 2 blackskirt tetras, 3 platties, 4 bronze cories, and 1 clown pleco... [link=http://www.brucewise.c...
saltnewbie1102-Nov-2005 20:20
adding driftwood bought from LFS
I bought some driftwood from my LFS. IT was my undrestanding I could soak it to remove all the brown coloring if I wanted to. She didnt tell me anyt...
ladiejl1702-Nov-2005 05:12
I have several different types of plants in my 25 gallon tank but I do not know exactly how to trim them. I saw some other tanks that had plants liek...
dvmchrissy501-Nov-2005 22:02
new 20--ideas??
Just found out my neighbor may give me a 20 gallon and stand. Im totally out of ideas for decor and themes. I have a real driftwood w brown gravel w...
ladiejl601-Nov-2005 18:44
yet another drift wood......
ok i've seen all the posts on drift wood, how to do this or that. now my question about the boiling.... how long? total? the piece below, i have soak...
monkeyboy801-Nov-2005 02:50
hola. need aquascaping advice
hello. im planting my 10 and 20g and just finishing up on the details. here is the plan for my 10g [link=
M.A.G.229-Oct-2005 06:21
Saltscape - help with rockwork
I have a recent pic up in the general marine forum [link=here]" style...
mattyboombatty724-Oct-2005 21:05
Help needed on aquascaping discus tank
hey guys, i've just been really inspired by a few tanks that have been aqua scaped, they look fantastic. i have a 55g tank thats cycling for my d...
stuquarium422-Oct-2005 15:58
need some ideas, please...
After rearranging my one 10 gallon, I now want to redo my 25 gallon tank. Any thoughts will be considered, so let me hear them. Here is what the tank...
T/A622-Oct-2005 03:35
New Substrate
Can anyone tell me where I could find Floraba se by Red Sea online? My manager suggested that I use this as a substrate for live plants. This is anoth...
fish007321-Oct-2005 13:38
4ft drift wood help
Went to the park lands with my gf today after school, and found this nice 4ft wood lying around. By the look of it, it probably never been in deep wat...
JQW521-Oct-2005 11:38
Can I put manzanita branches into my tanks? All of the lfs around here only have small chunks of driftwood, which I'm not a big fan of. I've se...
bananacoladafuze521-Oct-2005 00:30
anubius help
Hi i have a flurishing anubius with two problems: 1.It's covered in a thick green algae, i have 4 bristlenoses who since i removed a teritorial fish...
dannisyvette414-Oct-2005 18:40
aquascape woes
Months ago I began posting about [link=plans for planting my 42-gal. hexagon tank]
zoeandmaia814-Oct-2005 00:29
Critique/Criticism (pic inside)
Angled Lef...
inkodinkomalinko1012-Oct-2005 02:43
sinking driftwood
I collected some driftwood the other day. right now i have it submerged in water with rocks holding it down. how long does it usually take until it...
Sonic2041411-Oct-2005 23:47
Aquascaping - advice needed... again
Back in July I posted here about reaquscaping my tank. Since then I've let some things grow in, taken somethings out and added others. Mainly, I remov...
NowherMan6310-Oct-2005 17:57
planted 29 gallon tank
I was thinking of having a bamboo forest in my 29 gallon tank half bamboo forest and half smi-planted tank with wite gravle small. it will look really...
riri1108-Oct-2005 07:54
DIY Background?
Hey gang got a question hopefully someone can answer it. I have seen these really nice faux rock backgrounds that attach to the back of the tank. Th...
Jaric307-Oct-2005 23:30
Replacing Gravel
I want a new look for my 30 gallon tank. I was thinking of maybe a solid blue background, fine black gravel, and a heavy stock of live plants. Would a...
fish0071106-Oct-2005 17:22
Polyurethane Varnish?
I have been reading a book to help me learn more about freshwater aquariums and came across something interesting involving decorations for your aquar...
Punksvspops306-Oct-2005 09:20
Six months of BROWN water!
Pages: 1, 2
SIX MONTHS ago I bought driftwood from my lfs. They told me it was treated and wouldn't stain the water. Well, it did, of course, and I had pretty muc...
tankgrrrl2306-Oct-2005 05:08
aquarium decoration and layout?
Hey there... I've had an aquarium now for about a year and a half. Up until a couple months ago, I had a 20 gallon, but now have upgraded to a sixty...
mrsmonty403-Oct-2005 21:39
I am hopefully setting up a rift lake biotype full of malawi cichlids and im thinking of placing sandstone in it. One of my friends said I can't put s...
ghostfish803-Oct-2005 17:37
rock safe for tank
i found a rock in my yard that i would love to put in my tank, i've boiled and cleaned it already but im not sure what kind of rock it is, so heres so...
reel big mark429-Sep-2005 19:43
Dumb question about switching to sand
I'm not a newbie to fishkeeping but this is the first time I've ever tried sand. I put some of that cool Tahitian moon sand in a 36g today and the wa...
Beckwheat529-Sep-2005 19:05
Drain pipe cave? and other ideas
My clown loaches need a new cave. I was thinking of getting a piece of plastic drainpipe, to go along the back of the tank. I have no idea where I a...
goldfishgeek625-Sep-2005 22:28
using sand as a substrate?
if u use sand as your substrate how would u clean the tank. with gravel u just siphon the gravel to get the stuff out of the gravel. what do u use to...
jaloco1224-Sep-2005 06:20
Redid 10g finally Check it out!
Hi All, as some of you may remember, I had planned to redo my 10gallon tank for some time now. So yesterday I did it, tore it all down, junked the gra...
So_Very_Sneaky1623-Sep-2005 17:31
Driftwood question... ANOTHER ONE!!@#$@
Okay, i recently took a trip to the river in my hometown and picked up some natural driftwood, i've had it soaking and fully submerged in a 5 gallon b...
chelaine620-Sep-2005 11:23
Rock, Weight, and Design Question
Gang, Before I even go into details, do you know if a stone called “Terrapin Green” is good for a <= 7 ph freshwater tank? I tried to...
LITTLE_FISH919-Sep-2005 15:31
This is what my 75g looks like when...
I have removed all the plastic plants.Now iam going to order some more plants and i think iam going to order these ones: 1)Vesicularia dubyana 2)Echin...
Rob1619519-Sep-2005 06:09
Rocks in a FW
Just wondering if you have to "cure" rocks before they are place in an aquarium? (Basically... how would you clean a rock before placing it in the tan...
HALW_Fish517-Sep-2005 16:03
Betta Desktop tank 1Mth after set up.
Still a long way to go. The Crypts are a bit slow, I am not too sure about the Mellon Swords as they started to melt down but now look like a very slo...
keithgh217-Sep-2005 04:56
Hi, I was wondering whether or not i could put limestone in my aquarium. I understand it will raise the Ph but it is for an African Cichlid tank anyw...
leetomlin14712-Sep-2005 21:53
How to get yellow fish to stick out? background?
I've got a school of yellow tetras (6) in my 29 gallon tank and want to know how i can get them to visually stick out, is there a certain color backgr...
phoenix5724712-Sep-2005 21:48
Sea Glass - Safe for substrate?
Hey guys, I am fed up with my formerly white, marble gravel (now algea-ridden and covered in poop from the Pleco). Cleaning handfulls of the gravel a...
CrystalSP412-Sep-2005 05:50
Would like some comments....
What do you think.. Robby1619 attached this image:...
Rob16191608-Sep-2005 14:50
Polyurethane Foam
I know that Polyurethane foam is fine for background building in my fish tanks. My question is, is it strong enough to use for background building in...
firecontrol305-Sep-2005 09:39
gravel question
I am considering adding either some sand or some really small gravel to the gravel I already have. The gravel that I have ranges from 1 - 2 cm. Is t...
Mia205-Sep-2005 06:55
Price of driftwood???
Hi all, im just wondering what the price of a piece of drift wood rougly about 3 foot in length would cost?? It does'nt have to be accurate as i just...
connell804-Sep-2005 20:10
My 32g... what do you think?
Pages: 1, 2
Hey all , I am finally positng pics of my tank... and I want some advice on what to fix/change and the whole bit. I am trying to change it a bit.....
ericm2404-Sep-2005 20:08
here are my tanks...
Divided 10 gallon with two male Bettas. [link=]
T/A1002-Sep-2005 03:29
29-gal. apistogramma tank
I was browsing through past AGA aquascaping contest winners for ideas for my 75-gallon. I saw [link=this tank]
zoeandmaia801-Sep-2005 17:35
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