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  L# Albino Chocolate Pleco Question
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SubscribeAlbino Chocolate Pleco Question
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Registered: 19-Apr-2007
male usa

I bought 2 small Albino Choc Plecos today.
I have a 55G long tank and a big algea problem so two Plecos were needed.
My question is.. Do these Plecos eat driftwood? I know some Plecos require wood but not sure if these will eat it or not? I have DW in my tank so its ok if they do but just curious about it. They are very active and have really been eating away at the algea. I am quite happy.
Anything I should know about these guys?
These are really cool plecos.
Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2007 02:49Profile PM Edit Report 
Catfish/Oddball Fan
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male usa us-delaware
As far as xylophagy (eating wood) goes, I have heard of little evidence that it is part of the diet of most plecs. The main genus this is known in is ''Panaque'', whose large, spoon-shaped teeth are specifically adapted for that sort of diet, along with a host of bacterial species in their guts to help with the breakdown and digestion of wood fiber. On the other hand, ''Pterygoplichthys'' species (including common plecs, sailfin plecs, and albino choc plecs) are generalist feeders; though their diet and their digestive capabilities can include wood, it is a less integral part of their diet. In any case, wood doesn't hurt.

Oh, BTW, two plecs might be all right while they're small, but these fish can exceed a foot long. They'll cause a good deal of mess themselves once they reach a heftier size, particularly in the waste department. Fish that are herbivores or detrivores (and plecs fit under both departments) naturally are adapted to eat more and pass more food through their systems, which basically adds up to much more feces. You'll be surprised at how much waste a hefty plec can make.

The aquarist is one who must learn the ways of the biologist, the chemist, and the veterinarian.
Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2007 04:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 19-Apr-2007
male usa
Thanks for the info.

Yes, I do relize that having 2 plecs might cause trouble down the line but that will be in a few years when I have to worry and by then I am sure I will have another large setup going so will move one to the new tank.

These plecs are quite comical. The one pleco decided he liked my upside down cats hiding spot so he took it over and now the cat is all mad about it. So, I made another cave today for the cat.

As for eating algea, I am very impressed! I am giving them some algea wafers as well but I think the other fish are taking those. Can I feed the plecos veggies like zucchini or cucumber? I want to make sure they are getting enough food.

Post InfoPosted 11-Jun-2007 18:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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I think that you should feed them the Algae wafers, as soon as you switch the lights off, so they can suck on them in the dark.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 11-Jun-2007 19:37Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pterygoplichthyinids show evidence of feeding on wood. However, they lack the microsymbiotic activity to digest lignin and its counterparts (most wood eaters do not digest lignin anyways), thus, it is more likely the result of overforaging, as is the case in leporacanthicus and megalancistrus, both avid sponge eaters that ingest large amounts of wood while feeding...Although it serves no nutritional purpose, without some fibrous material in their diets, both genera are e to bloat. You can decide for yourdself what that entails.
Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2007 10:06Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by Metagon
IME, plecs love veggies such as zuchinni and cucumber; lettuce is another thing, but they tend to leave the major veins and stems if they don't eat it all. I too was worried about other fish eating my plec's algae wafers; I returned a catfish I had to the LFS that had grown big enough to swallow algae wafers whole! This can be a problem with fish such as plecs that are less likely to go after food immediately. One option, as mentioned, is throwing in the algae wafers at night, when most fish are sleeping. Another trick you can try is cutting slits into the cucumber or zuchini and jamming algae wafers into them so that the other fish have trouble reaching them. It might be more trouble than you might take for your average fish but for a fish you like it can be worth it.

The aquarist is one who must learn the ways of the biologist, the chemist, and the veterinarian.
Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2007 02:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 19-Apr-2007
male usa
Thanks for the info. I will try the wafer trick in the zucchini.

I tried to feed the plecos cucumber and they wouldnt go near it. Today I tried zucchini and they love it but only if its blanced.

My question now is... How often should I feed them the zuchinni? They are still getting algea I am sure as I upped the lighting to 12 hours a day but now also I started using Flourish for the plants so the algea growth is gonna slow. Still using wafers as well and I know that the upsidedown cats are getting those as the cats are HUGE!
I do love my cats so its ok and they do look spectacular.

Would blanced kale be ok for the plecos as well?
Post InfoPosted 23-Jun-2007 01:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Catfish/Oddball Fan
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male usa us-delaware
I've never "served" my plecs any food but raw. Blanching will soften it so it would break apart more easily and also reduce some of the nutritional value. It's strange that your plecs didn't go after the veggies while uncooked. I would try it again; unlike most fish which are predaceous and actively seek out food, plecs may take a little longer to go after food. Kale should be fine, though.

I'd feed once everyday or so. The fact of the matter is that the tank probably doesn't have enough pure algae to support your two plecs; plecs, in fact, don't eat just algae in their natural habitat, but other things attached to objects as well. Also, you don't want your veggies going bad inside the tank, so even if the food is not completely finished it would be a good idea to remove it before too long so it doesn't rot. Plecs are grazers; unlike carnivores that are adapted to eat a big piece of meat and then chill out for a while, grazing fish tend to do the opposite by spending a lot more time eating to balance out the fact their natural diet is not as easy to digest. Therefore it is more important for your plecs to have regular feedings than, for example, your upside down catfish. In any case, once your plecs are fat, you know you're feeding enough; they won't look anything like those little skinny, sunken-belly plecs at the store when they're happy and full of food.

The aquarist is one who must learn the ways of the biologist, the chemist, and the veterinarian.
Post InfoPosted 23-Jun-2007 21:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 19-Apr-2007
male usa
Thanks for the reply.

The plecos are all the blanched zuchini and they are way fat now. LOL

I will try some uncooked again and stick some wafers inside the zuchinni.

The cats didnt show any intrest in the veggies. They prefer the wafers and leftovers that make it to the bottom of the tank.
Post InfoPosted 24-Jun-2007 03:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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